I read enough! And some absurd scripture too about how women should be silent in church.
Hmmm, it's important to rightly divide Scripture, there is a reason, I think, that Paul said that women are not to ask questions in church, it is because they were disrupting the services by their questions. I think there is a time-specific context to this 1 Cor. 14: 34-35, as well as 1 Tim. 2 missive statements Paul makes to the Corinth and Ephesus churches, respectively. This time is when women were becoming unruly and bad-naturedly telling men that they were lower in rank than the women. Paul puts the kabitz on this thinking quickly, telling women AND men what needs done so that proper order of leadership, as Christ intended in the church, is followed. Man was created first, man was not deceived, but woman was, this is something to put the brakes on these pompous, full of themselves, men-bashing, dominating, out of control women that were beginning to take over the church, perhaps. The men were being, for no lack of a better word, WIMPY. The men were being wimps, not sticking up for God, not doing things that God put on their hearts to do, thus, Paul gave missives to re-adjust their attitudes. Straigten them up, let's just call Paul, 'The straightener.'