The following unique teachings from Luke 15-17 are included at this point because the next teachings in Matthew 19 are parallel with verses in Luke 18.
TOJ #114: God forgives those who repent. [LK 15:11-32] In the Parable of the Lost Son, notice that every sin was forgiven (1JN 1:9). Surely we will leave jealousy and other sinful attitudes behind when we graduate to heaven. The heavenly or holy saint is described by Paul in several places (such as CL 3:1-14; cf. TOJ #8, #29 & #74).
TOJ #115: Utilize material assets in order to witness for God. [LK 16:9-12] This is Jesus’ second teaching about shrewdness (TOJ #59). Paul refers to “true riches” or spiritual wealth several times (EPH 1:18, 2:7, 3:8& 16, CL 2:2-3).
TOJ #116: Be grateful for God’s grace. [LK 17:17-18] Thankfulness is near to godliness (1THS 5:18). The Greek word for grace (charis) also means “gift”, so see TOJ #121.
TOJ #114: God forgives those who repent. [LK 15:11-32] In the Parable of the Lost Son, notice that every sin was forgiven (1JN 1:9). Surely we will leave jealousy and other sinful attitudes behind when we graduate to heaven. The heavenly or holy saint is described by Paul in several places (such as CL 3:1-14; cf. TOJ #8, #29 & #74).
TOJ #115: Utilize material assets in order to witness for God. [LK 16:9-12] This is Jesus’ second teaching about shrewdness (TOJ #59). Paul refers to “true riches” or spiritual wealth several times (EPH 1:18, 2:7, 3:8& 16, CL 2:2-3).
TOJ #116: Be grateful for God’s grace. [LK 17:17-18] Thankfulness is near to godliness (1THS 5:18). The Greek word for grace (charis) also means “gift”, so see TOJ #121.
TOJ #117: Give to the poor. [MT 19:21//MK 10:21//LK 18:22] How much a person should share is not specified. The OT taught that a tithe should be given to the Lord’s “storehouse” (ML 3:8-10), but the NT teaches that people are stewards of the Lord’s property (MT 25:14) and that the Lord wants saints to give cheerfully (2CR 9:7). They should be happy to contribute a fair share, and the OT tithe seems to be a reasonable percentage (cf. TOJ #98). The goal should be for everyone to be able to earn a living (2CR 8:13-15, 2THS 3:10). {LK 12:33, 14:12-14}
TOJ #118: Materialism is anathema. [MT 19:23-24//MK 10:23-25//LK 18:24-25] It is the sin of greed that Paul equated with idolatry (CL 3:5, EPH 5:5), which is antithetical to satisfying GRS (1CR 6:10). Jesus {in LK 12:16-21} told the Parable of the Rich Young Fool to illustrate this truth. (Also see TOJ #41, 50, & 85.)
TOJ #119: God is almighty. [MT 19:26//MK 10:27//LK 18:27] He can do anything that does not contradict who He is. He chooses not to prevent evil behavior in order to preserve humanity. Statements that appear to ascribe power to prayer or faith {MT 21:22, MK 10:52, LK 17:19, 18:42} mean that God may answer prayer or work through Believers. {MT 17:20//MK 9:23}