Thats an easy one. I won't place any scripture here, as it would take way to long. The list would be close to the whole of the Torah.
HaShem in his wisdom, gave us a set of laws to live by. He also placed the laws in an orderly fashion for us. He took the time to divide them into both life stills, and peoples. (That is an over simplification,sorry) It is on us to study them out, seek out laws are meant for what Peoples, and so on. The laws that are for all Peoples, would be the ones that we should follow.
I know I heard it many times, "They were all give only to the Jewish people." That however is not true. When I hear this I simply know in my hear that someone needs to take a class on Biblical Law. You see there are Laws that were given long before there were any Hebrew people. That is what we must know, follow, and live by. After all IN Rev. as I pointed out, are we not told that saints keep the law, and the faith .
I am always left with the idea that for a person to say they follow Torah, others think, "they keep the sacrifices, oh my they are going to burn in Hell." I find that thinking sad, and Yes I have bee told that. Even though even the Hebrew People were told HaShem didn't want that from them. That comes from the OT.
I know this is way short, of everything that went through my mind, yet it does kind of answer your question in full.