Wow, that is so amazing that I am doing all these panels using Grace Kelly's face because of/inspired by you and it turns out your daughter looks like her! She must be a very beautiful young woman... or perhaps, not so young any more, as even my own daughter will be, my goodness, thirty nine this year! Among other minor alterations to the face, I have been slightly changing the shade of her lipstick, because she is always wearing red and I prefer shades more to the pinkish side. I wondered if you could see that when I showed you the original photos with the panels in progress... Any ways, I am really pleased to discover that these panels I am designing with the face I have chosen because of you have a surprising deeper connection with you! God moves in mysterious ways! Heh, yes, we hear that and know it is not directly taken from Scripture, and yet it is very true. I was thinking about these issues, that man is without excuse, yet juxtaposed against, they know not what they do, as I was driving home from work today. And it is true that God's glory is made manifest in creation, and yet the gospel message is something entirely other. It is interesting to me that I can say I discovered I needed no more convincing and someone jumps to, I was forced. It really comes across as these others have no idea what it is like to be drawn by God's loving kindness... especially given some of the things said by them. And I cannot but ponder the fact that psychologists largely stay in business because often people need to do some deep digging to discover what they believe and how those beliefs impact their life. And of course the best advise ever is to live by Biblical principles... the very thing most men of the natural world do not want to do as they jostle for more and more freedom. "For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh." And now I am more keen than ever to finish panel number four with GK's face! .
Just want to float this thought by you... Something i wonder about, is if God chose to create other beings, because he wanted to share the wonder and joy of his existence some? Definitely still rubbish at remembering where scriptures are on the spot but there are so many, where he literally pleads with people to turn from their evil ways, so he won't have to destroy them. The things he puts up with before he unleashes his wrath have stunned me too, i'm on my 2nd round of reading the Bible through, understand a lot of things much better now.
This could easily become a really long message now friend, so, just hugs and love for being such a real, true person, see you soon
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