Revelation in the names of Genesis 5 up to Noah
ADAM– “man” / “mankind” (Root word “Adamah” which means “earth”
SET – “Appointed” / “Appointed another seed”
ENOSH – “Mortal” / “Being Mortal” from the Hebrew Root word “Anash”
KENAN – “Sorrow”
MAHALALEL – Consists of two Hebrew words:“Mahalal” which means “Blessed’ / “Praised” and “EL” which means God. The name thus means: “Blessed/Praised of YHVH”
YERED – “Shall Descend” / “Shall come down”
CHANOCH (ENOCH) – means “teaching” “To teach/instruct people”
MATUSHELACH – consists of two Hebrew words:
Met – which means “death”
Shelach – which means “Shall bring forth” Put them together and it reads “Death shall bring forth”
LAMECH–“Despairing” / “Those in despair”
NOACH– “Comfort” / “Rest”
Together: “Man/Mankind appointed mortal sorrow. The blessed/praised of YHVH shall descend/come down and teach/instruct people that His death shall bring, those in despair, comfort/rest.