1 John 4:7-21 says fear is just incomplete love.
You are again just settling for what Christ has told us to overcome.
I am that correction.
It's up to humanity whether to accept it.
If they don't we aren't going to survive much longer.
What you have missed is the very first verse of the bible.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
It is by his design,
Humanity is corrupt, forgiveness is offered, all must repent and be born again.
You said that we must have a equal share ....commusim.
The Lord himself rewards ....according to there works.
You said that we arnt going to survive much longer....
Jesus said...those who save their lives will lose it...those who lose there life for his sake will save it.
Fear is the beginning of knowledge.
You say inclusion is what needs to be done.
According to scripture that is totally wrong dont you know fornicators, adulters, murders, liars, theives, will not inherit the kingdom of GOD.
war not against flesh and blood but against evil principalities of high places. Darkness,