Christ is in us, our hope of glory.
It only seems right because He is LORD, He would expect certain things for us to do for Him.
To me, working out our salvation with fear & trembling would include doing what Christ wants us to do.
Since when does God NOT expect obedience? Since when can we walk in full disobedience & expect our salvation to remain intact?
Apostasy will cause us to lose our salvation.
THAT is what the apostasy is about... falling away from God.
Judgment already is upon the house of God for its backslidings... Cant you see it?
But good news - God's judgment is to bring us back to Him... Restoration.
He is doing this to prepare His bride for His coming... a revival by God disiciplining His church.
Know that God is doing all things for our good!
It only seems right because He is LORD, He would expect certain things for us to do for Him.
To me, working out our salvation with fear & trembling would include doing what Christ wants us to do.
Since when does God NOT expect obedience? Since when can we walk in full disobedience & expect our salvation to remain intact?
Apostasy will cause us to lose our salvation.
THAT is what the apostasy is about... falling away from God.
Judgment already is upon the house of God for its backslidings... Cant you see it?
But good news - God's judgment is to bring us back to Him... Restoration.
He is doing this to prepare His bride for His coming... a revival by God disiciplining His church.
Know that God is doing all things for our good!
Disicipline or chastising may not be comfortable at first but it yields fruit.
It does not mean ...Jesus saved me and I can continue to sin my life away. He paid the price, which is death
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