First of all, I want everyone to know that I forgive them. I always knew that standing up and waving my hand in such a contentious subject was going to draw a lot of fire.
I am more than prepared to share and educate if people are prepared to put the bible down and stop smacking me over the head with it for a moment. Sexuality is a taboo subject at the best of times and homosexuality is not only forbidden biblically, it is also completely misunderstood. Believe me, Atheists can be just as hostile toward us. And that is sad truth number one. We are universally despised by all.
Truth number two comes in the form of this testimony
Becket Cook is an interesting case. He is highly regarded and considered to be redeemed and the poster boy for Christian victory over homosexuality by some. However listen, just listen to him admit that he is still attracted to men. Yes he's chosen to become chaste and he's given himself to Christ. But his basic sexuality and his attraction to men remain. He just spends his life being guilty for it now.
And I have read and heard the same story over and over and over. People who claim they are no longer gay, but then admit they are still attracted to the same sex. I begged God for years to take my own sexuality away. But just like Becket Cook and every other testimony I've read, God doesn't do that for us and every singlr person carries the heaviest burden of guilt over their attraction.
So why are we put on this earth if we have no hope? Is God that cruel that he allows us to become something we don't want to be, abandon during this life and then casts us into the lake of fire with disgust at the end of it?
I am more than prepared to share and educate if people are prepared to put the bible down and stop smacking me over the head with it for a moment. Sexuality is a taboo subject at the best of times and homosexuality is not only forbidden biblically, it is also completely misunderstood. Believe me, Atheists can be just as hostile toward us. And that is sad truth number one. We are universally despised by all.
Truth number two comes in the form of this testimony
Becket Cook is an interesting case. He is highly regarded and considered to be redeemed and the poster boy for Christian victory over homosexuality by some. However listen, just listen to him admit that he is still attracted to men. Yes he's chosen to become chaste and he's given himself to Christ. But his basic sexuality and his attraction to men remain. He just spends his life being guilty for it now.
And I have read and heard the same story over and over and over. People who claim they are no longer gay, but then admit they are still attracted to the same sex. I begged God for years to take my own sexuality away. But just like Becket Cook and every other testimony I've read, God doesn't do that for us and every singlr person carries the heaviest burden of guilt over their attraction.
So why are we put on this earth if we have no hope? Is God that cruel that he allows us to become something we don't want to be, abandon during this life and then casts us into the lake of fire with disgust at the end of it?
For those who say they are no longer gay yet attracted to the same sex is no different than the married man who see a woman other than his wife as attractive yet
WE Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
You embrace sin and then look to justify the sin because those of the LGBTQ have been cuddled and victimized by a demonic worldview. You are gay because you choose to be gay because you seek pleasure out of sin. We sin because we like it.
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