No. You misunderstand the context. God is still saying He moves sovereignly. That He moved is evidenced by the response. That He doesn't, simply means He isn't moving.
For instance, God forgives a sinner who earnestly asks. What conditions cause someone to earnestly ask? Perhaps when the Spirit of God convicts an individual of his fault? Who moves first? Does an individual convict themselves? Was the Spirit leading in this? Regardless of how you answer, all who do ask forgiveness sincerely will be forgiven. That all are forgiven is what shows God to be no respecter of persons. If say He only forgave one race of people who met the condition, then He would be a respecter of persons.
I'm surprised that so many people who profess to be led of the Spirit would think that in such an estate they are making the choices.
You may be over-doing the sovereignty of God.
God has indeed allowed a level of human choice within His sovereignty.
I oppose the concept that mankind exhibits a freewill, i.e., that anyone can choose salvation without
a divine first cause. Is plainly a false idea and misunderstands that no one is righteous. We are at a basic
level opposed to God and sin is the red flag.
Does this then mean God chooses who will be saved?
Certainly not, the overarching trait that Jesus taught us is His love for humanity. That is, God loves both the Jew
and the Gentile. That is what the letter to the Romans teaches us. Israel were grafted out because they refused
to believe in Jesus. The Gentiles did believe in Jesus and had the green light.
We need to be gentle in our understanding of God's ways.
Paul ultimately stated that God's ways were a mystery and they still are today.
Romans 11:25
For I do not want you, brothers and sisters,
to be uninformed of this mystery so that you
will not be wise in your own estimation...
The clear sovereignty of God and a permitted level of human interaction, of human will.
They are both at play within the scripture.