Rom 11:5
5 Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.
This is my present understanding of this text from Romans 11.
Rom 11:4 But what saith the answer of God unto him? I reserved to myself seven thousand men, who did not bow the knee to Baal.
Rom 11:5 In the same way, then, at this present time also, there has become a remnant according to an election of/from grace. [genitive: a gracious election]
Rom 11:6 And if [an election] to/for/in grace (dative: chariti), then
is it no more [election] out of works (ex ergOn: genitive): otherwise grace (charis) is becoming (ginetai) no more grace (charis). But if
it be out of works (ex ergOn: genitive), then is it (estin) no more grace (charis): otherwise work (ergon) is no more work (ergon).
Rom 11:7 What then? Israel did not obtain that which he is seeking for; but the election did obtain it, and the rest were blinded.
Many have that idea that works are not meritorious. Usually this is based on the text Is. 64:6, "All our righteous deeds are as filthy rags, spoken to Israel at a time in their history where they were doing many of the Levitical rituals required by God, but at the same time practising the worship to other gods. This invalidated their Jehovah worshipping practices which they assumed were righteous.
But the idea that no works are meritorious is clearly not scriptural. Romans 2 makes it clear that we will be rewarded for the good we do.
So what does it mean that we are saved by grace through faith without (choris) works. As I pointed out yesterday, choris does not mean without, but apart from. Matt. 14:21 and 15:38 gives the number of the crowds and 5000 and 4000 men besides (choris) women and children. He did not mean 5000 and 4000 men without (choris) women and children, as if there were only men present.
So, when we are told that "can be imputed righteousness
beside (
choris) works (Rom. 4:6)", this is not negating that works can be righteous and meritorious in God's sight.
And when we are told that we are saved out of grace through faith, not out of works/efforts/erga, this does not mean that works/efforts/erga are not meritorious in God's sight either, but merely that efforts are not required to make the move from being condemned to being forgiven and justified.
Works are still accounted (logizomai) in either the credit (righteous) or debit (unrighteous) columns of our report card, but they are rewarded or recompensed after whichever resurrection is determined for us according to whom or what our faith was in. If our faith was in Christ, we are recompensed after we are raised in the first resurrection, If our faith was in Baal, or mammon, or self etc. we are recompensed after we are raised in the second resurrection.
Going back now to Rom. 11:4-7. Not bowing the knee to Baal (physically) is not a work on account of which God chose the 7000. They did not bow the knee to Baal means they did not transfer their trust from Yahweh to Baal. God reserved the 7000 to Himself because they continued to
trust in Him when all others were hedging their bets and dividing their
trust between Yahweh and various tribal gods, or away from Yahweh completely. These 7000 may have been sinning in other ways, but their fundamental commitment was to
trust Yahweh alone and seek Him for mercy when they stumbled.(v. 5)
The 7000's
election by God was based on their continuing
faith in Him, not on the
works that may have resulted from continuing to trust in Him (v. 4).
v. 5 This is election of/out of grace (genitive) (v. 5), not out of works (ex ergOn, deeds that require
effort) (v. 6). Faith requires
no effort. Believing can be done by the weakest person or the strongest. Believing is therefore universally available to all as a means of pleasing God with the result that He chooses/elects you to be one of His people.
In the same way, under the new covenant, there is a people chosen/elected by God on the basis of their commitment to trusting Them by trusting Jesus Christ whom They sent. This way of being chosen is as universally feasible as faith in Yahweh was to the Israelites, and was therefore
Rom 11:6 And if [an election] to/for/
in grace (dative: chariti), then
is it no more [election]
out of works (ex ergOn: genitive): otherwise grace (charis) is becoming (ginetai) no more grace (charis). But if
it 9election) be out of works (ex ergOn: genitive), then is it (election) [is] no more grace (charis): otherwise work (ergon) is no more work (ergon).
v. 6a Since election under the New Covenant is
in grace (Chariti: Paul switches from the
genitive (charitos of v. 5 to the
dative here (chariti) in v.6, indicating a positional location
in grace here in verse 6, rather than a movement
out from grace, as in v. 5). Election
out of grace in v. 5, but election
in grace in v.6. I think he is moving from an idea of first being elected
out of putting faith in Christ, to continuing to be elect
by remaining in faith in Christ.
And if, after becoming elect out of putting trust in Christ, we remain elect by remaining
in grace (chariti), then we are not dependent on effort to remain elect. We do not
remain elect out of our efforts/works (ex ergOn). If we
remained elect
out of our efforts (ex ergOn) as Christians, then our coming into election out of grace was pointless. That initial grace is undone by the need subsequently to work/effort to remain elect. i.e Grace is becoming no more grace.
But if ongoing election is out of works, then election, after our initial election by faith, is no longer grace. Otherwise, after conversion, work would no longer require any effort. Everything would be easy. But it's not easy to
walk the Christian walk. It's easy to
become in Christ out of grace through faith, and it is easy to
remain in Christ
in grace through faith, but it takes effort to
walk in grace through faith.