What verse in Mat 22 states "corporate election"? There's nothing in the parable that says that the king sent out his servants to gather the nations to his wedding feast. But they did go out to gather individuals from other ethnicities.
Jesus did not teach that many nations are called but few nations are chosen. Which of the few nations on this earth are chosen? You must know which nations, right?
Of course I know which nations would have the green light for the gospel.
Nations that were chosen include; Macedonia, Türkiye, Italy, Greece, Spain, North Africa, etc.
The nations above were given
Here are some examples below that had a red light for the gospel for a very long time.
New Zealand Gospel arrived nineteenth century.
Japan Gospel arrived sixteenth century.
North America Gospel arrived sixteenth century.
South Africa Gospel arrived seventeenth century.
Australia Gospel arrived nineteenth century.
Indonesia Gospel arrived sixteenth century.
There are a lot of other countries in Asia that also waited a long time.
There are seven countries that the gospel cannot be preached in, see below.
Nth Korea, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, etc.
No sovereign election in those seven countries.
We could add that many Islamic nations that would have an extremely low Christian conversion rate. A miniscule degree of sovereign election in many Islamic countries.
Sovereign election is a regional phenomenon; it depends where you live.
You might assume that, but I never did! You don't pay attention to what people write. I have frequently stated on this thread and in others as well that God does save ALL men w/o distinction. It's you FWs who think that Christ died for all men w/o exception, remember?
The megabytes of irony about the Acts passage you quote is that it clearly refutes the FWs' ASSUMPTION that God doesn't want anyone on the planet to perish! Yet, here we have a text that teaches that the Spirit of Christ would not permit them to go into Asia! How "politically/theologically incorrect" is that!? There are FWs here who see God as the EOE (Equal Opportunity Employer) kinda guy who treats all men equally because if he didn't He'd be vile, unjust monster.
So...Mr. Delusional Winner , can you rattle off who all the elect nations are? Or better yet, just address the passage I quoted earlier in which Jesus Jesus told Israel that the Kingdom would be taken from them and given to another NATION!
Matt 21:43
43 "Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it.
Since you're so full of yourself, you should be able to tell me who the specific nation is that was given the Kingdom of God. Not only that but this nation, according to Jesus, will actually bear the fruits of the kingdom! Why don't you write a list for us of which nations on this planet are so faithful to God that they are actually bearing kingdom fruit.
And has any nation in the world (Vatican excluded) declared itself to officially be a Christian nation, has adopted God's holy laws for their own laws of their land, and have evicted all the pagans in their officially Christian land? Or do all these elect national entities still permit idolaters to reside and flourish in their lands with false religions of their own? Do these elect national entities follow in the footsteps of OC apostate Israel by allowing pagans to influence public policy and to corrupt believers in their lands? Is this NC dispensation just more of the same ol' OC economy?
Or since you think God's elect are all the nations in the world, then you should be able to find in scripture the covenant that God made with all the nations in the world, since historically God's relationship with his chosen people has been and is by covenant only. I would dearly love to see the conditions for this universal covenant of love that God has made with the entire world.
P.S. One other thing before I forget. You say above that in Jesus' parable national Israel refused the invitation. So...since that is the case, where does that leave all the individual Jews who did not refuse? What "nation" are they part of? Where and how do they fit in to your scheme of election of nations?
What verse in Mat 22 states "corporate election"? There's nothing in the parable that says that the king sent out his servants to gather the nations to his wedding feast. But they did go out to gather individuals from other ethnicities.
Jesus did not teach that many nations are called but few nations are chosen. Which of the few nations on this earth are chosen? You must know which nations, right?
Of course, I know which nations would have the green light for the gospel.
Nations that were chosen; Macedonia, Türkiye, Italy, Greece, Spain, North Africa, etc.
Here are some examples below that had a red light for the gospel for a very long time.
New Zealand Gospel arrived nineteenth century.
Japan Gospel arrived sixteenth century.
North America Gospel arrived sixteenth century.
South Africa Gospel arrived seventeenth century.
Australia Gospel arrived nineteenth century.
Indonesia Gospel arrived sixteenth century.
There are a lot of other countries in Asia that also waited a long time.
There are seven countries that the gospel cannot be preached in, see below.
Nth Korea, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, etc.
No sovereign election in those seven countries.
We could add that many Islamic nations that would have an extremely low Christian conversion rate.
A miniscule degree of sovereign election in many Islamic countries.
Conclusion, sovereign election is a regional phenomenon and it depended on where you live.