And the "abnormal" believer is completely committed to what precisely?
And what are the "3 types of people" discussed in 1Cor 2-3? Are all these types also unbelievers or is it a mixed bag?
Abnormal believer or unbeliever? Again, my made-up phrase was stated in the context of an unbeliever who is not completely committed to the soul and the kosmos. The word is psuchikos based in psuchē which means soul and which also speaks of earthly life.
My intention was to simply describe an unbeliever who is not too far gone, i.e. one with a seared conscience, one with a hardened heart who has rejected having knowledge of God, trending extreme in immorality and not coming back, etc...
See here for more and consider its use in Jude.
Also, I forgot to mention to
@Kroogz that the word is also used in
James3:15 in a 3-word series describing the opposite of wisdom from above. Those 3 words are "earthly, psuchikos, demonic." So, again, its usage seems to be pretty extreme.
And what are the "3 types of people" discussed in 1Cor 2-3? Are all these types also unbelievers or is it a mixed bag?
At minimum from context:
- The spiritual Christian - the mature believer who can understand advanced spiritual teaching
- The fleshly Christian - the infant/baby believer who cannot understand advanced spiritual teaching,
- The soulish (psuchikos) man - the man of [completely committed to] the spirit of the kosmos who cannot understand advanced spiritual teaching (and who likely rejects/rejected the basic Gospel even when backed up by demonstrations of the Spirit - the power of/from God)
- I'd also include the inference to the unbeliever who did come to believe the basic Gospel proclaimed by Paul and backed up by demonstrations of the Spirit - the power of/from God.
It seems to me Paul is speaking of a pretty extensive range of the kinds of people among humanity.