The books in the Bible that were named after the apostles who wrote them, were indeed written by them.
I do believe that calling God your Father means that you are claiming to be equal with God; and this in no way contradicts the fact that Jesus told us, I have said, ye are gods, in John 10:34. For when we become a child of God (John 1:12), we become one spirit with Him (1 Corinthians 6:17) and we are filled with all of His fulness (Ephesians 3:19-20). We are made to be absolutely one with the Holy Spirit, in our spirit. In that sense, we are "gods" and are made to be equal with God; therefore we also can call Him, "Father".
Jesus broke the sabbath according to God's law (Exodus 20:10); which said that it is a violation of the sabbath to do *any work* on the sabbath day. Jesus clearly violated the sabbath day in this regard (John 5:16-17); or at least He claimed to.
However, Jesus, as High Priest according to the order of Melchizedec, did not come after a carnal commandment but after the power of an endless life. And, Jesus said, that the Son of man is also the Lord of the sabbath.
So, Jesus, since He is immortal, would not be condemned by His violation of the sabbath day law. And because He is God He is also the One who created that law to begin with; and therefore He has the authority to change it (see Hebrews 7:12).
Isaiah 9:6 says it plainly enough for me that Jesus is the Most High God. If you don't see that in the verse, I will pray for you. But your contention that it does not say what I see it as plainly saying is not going to change my point of view. And you have a right to your own point of view; even though it is wrong.
The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds. And prayer is the weapon of warfare that I am going to use in this instance; it is the heavy artillery of the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). May the Holy Ghost testify to you and reveal to you the fact of God's Triune nature; and may He show you that there is education that is not of His Spirit and that you have been deceived by such (see Proverbs 19:27).
I do believe that calling God your Father means that you are claiming to be equal with God; and this in no way contradicts the fact that Jesus told us, I have said, ye are gods, in John 10:34. For when we become a child of God (John 1:12), we become one spirit with Him (1 Corinthians 6:17) and we are filled with all of His fulness (Ephesians 3:19-20). We are made to be absolutely one with the Holy Spirit, in our spirit. In that sense, we are "gods" and are made to be equal with God; therefore we also can call Him, "Father".
Jesus broke the sabbath according to God's law (Exodus 20:10); which said that it is a violation of the sabbath to do *any work* on the sabbath day. Jesus clearly violated the sabbath day in this regard (John 5:16-17); or at least He claimed to.
However, Jesus, as High Priest according to the order of Melchizedec, did not come after a carnal commandment but after the power of an endless life. And, Jesus said, that the Son of man is also the Lord of the sabbath.
So, Jesus, since He is immortal, would not be condemned by His violation of the sabbath day law. And because He is God He is also the One who created that law to begin with; and therefore He has the authority to change it (see Hebrews 7:12).
Isaiah 9:6 says it plainly enough for me that Jesus is the Most High God. If you don't see that in the verse, I will pray for you. But your contention that it does not say what I see it as plainly saying is not going to change my point of view. And you have a right to your own point of view; even though it is wrong.
The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds. And prayer is the weapon of warfare that I am going to use in this instance; it is the heavy artillery of the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). May the Holy Ghost testify to you and reveal to you the fact of God's Triune nature; and may He show you that there is education that is not of His Spirit and that you have been deceived by such (see Proverbs 19:27).
"They were probably written between AD 66 and 110. All four were anonymous (the modern names were added in the 2nd century), almost certainly none were by eyewitnesses, and all are the end-products of long oral and written transmission. Mark was the first to be written, using a variety of sources;"
That's just from Wikipedia... I was actually being too lazy to gather a bunch of info on it. But it doesn't take much research to prove that the names being associated with the authors were later additions.
I completely disagree with you regarding the "equal to God" thing. There are plenty of scriptures in the OT you would have to disregard that says He is above all, no one is beside him, etc. No one is egual to Him. That contradicts the very term MOST High.
I've explained this already... but feeding the hungry, healing people, pulling an ox out of the ditch, etc. is not what we were called to refrain from on the Sabbath. Doing God's work is not the same as man's work. The Pharisees and others added all of these man made rules to God's law, ultimately creating a new law that was not of The Father (See Jer 8:8). So in their eyes, he was breaking the law.... because he was breaking the false law that mankind created. He was not breaking His Fathers law. The Messiah did not "change" the law either. The word "change" in Hebrews 7:12 means "transfer". The verse is not saying the law is now altered... it is saying that it is transferred to this new priesthood. Whereas the Levites corrupted The Father's law... The Messiah made sure he represented it correctly. I go into much further detail on this in the "Sabbath" thread if you are interested in more on the law and common misconceptions about it.
You can pray for whoever you like, but you are actually the one that's wrong about Isiah 9:6.... and as long as you are too close minded to look into things like Hebrew verbs, and other source texts that the translations come from, then you can just happily remain in your ideology. Many assumptions and traditions are added to the scriptures to keep the trinity doctrine afloat.
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