Hello Highway. The high way to go is to be servants one unto another, not lords. I have submitted sound scripture to back my thesis. I could repeat it for the hundredth time but I'll wait awhile.
We are to submit ourselves unto one another, so much as the Spirit dwells in us each. Elders which comprise overseers, teachers, shepherds, and table waiters are to lead by example and persuade with the word, those that are new to the faith.
They are not to control, lord over as dictators, or take filthy lucre for feeding the flock. 1Peter 5.
Why do you think the following is of God? A man gets saved, feels blessed, feels the anointing in his life, feels like teaching, quits his job when Paul said stay in the vocation you were in when you got saved, gets a card made up saying 'Pastor' Awesome, rents a building and then tells everyone God called him to be above them and lead them and that they better give him 10 percent of their gross or they are going to get God mad at them? How dumb can Christians be? I know...I was a big dummy for years. No scripture to back this train wreck up.
However, if we'd dare meet together as the first century ecclesia met together, (what a novel experience that would be), with Jesus in control and the folks allowed to use their spiritual functions as they did in 1Cor.12 and 14 and in Romans 12, with the elders, more mature, watching over with care but not stifling the Spirit in others, then give me the address of such a gathering....I'll come with bells on. I'll show up early and I'll stay late and Highway, I'll submit unto the Spirit of God as he manifests Himself in each believer with their gift in unhindered operation as they worked it in the NT. Highway, if the Spirit is moving in you with your function manifesting, I'll be glad to submit myself unto you as God works through you. But actually, I'd be submitting unto Jesus who is speaking through you at that moment. How sweet would that be....to do things His way.