Brother Evmur - only in thier original spiritual state are angels/sons of God nonsexual beings. Reproduction was only created by God for this realm on earth = the flesh.
Angels are a Higher Creation then man. Thus we mortals look forward to the Resurrection when we also will be Translated into the Likeness of the Son of God = just as the LORD said.
In Genesis ch6 and confirmed in Jude we see how some angels forsook/abandoned their spiritual domain and came to earth taking on physical bodies by which they were then able to procreate with = "the daughters of men".
God made this very clear distinction in Genesis ch6 by the precise use of words = "the sons of God saw the daughters of men"
Jude confirms exactly this rebellion by these angels and why they have been locked up while the vast majority of fallen angels are still roaming about in rebellion serving satan for the final battle that is coming.
Satan has been orchestrating a repeat of Genesis chapter 6 but in with a different approach/method since he knows he cannot send angels as before. This is recorded in the book of Daniel.
This end time deception is part of the lying wonders spoken of in 2 Thessalonians ch2.
ALSO = Jude is in fact saying that the angels violated their spiritual status by coming to earth and going after "strange flesh" which for them was cohabitating with the "daughters of men".
Reproduction/sexual union was created for the flesh, on this earth. For angels to abandon their spiritual status and take on human form, they rebelled against the parameters set forth by God and in so doing polluted the entire planet = "all flesh has been corrupted before Me" = therefore the LORD said: "I will destroy all flesh" whereby only Noah was genetically pure before God.
Angels are a Higher Creation then man. Thus we mortals look forward to the Resurrection when we also will be Translated into the Likeness of the Son of God = just as the LORD said.
In Genesis ch6 and confirmed in Jude we see how some angels forsook/abandoned their spiritual domain and came to earth taking on physical bodies by which they were then able to procreate with = "the daughters of men".
God made this very clear distinction in Genesis ch6 by the precise use of words = "the sons of God saw the daughters of men"
Jude confirms exactly this rebellion by these angels and why they have been locked up while the vast majority of fallen angels are still roaming about in rebellion serving satan for the final battle that is coming.
Satan has been orchestrating a repeat of Genesis chapter 6 but in with a different approach/method since he knows he cannot send angels as before. This is recorded in the book of Daniel.
This end time deception is part of the lying wonders spoken of in 2 Thessalonians ch2.
ALSO = Jude is in fact saying that the angels violated their spiritual status by coming to earth and going after "strange flesh" which for them was cohabitating with the "daughters of men".
Reproduction/sexual union was created for the flesh, on this earth. For angels to abandon their spiritual status and take on human form, they rebelled against the parameters set forth by God and in so doing polluted the entire planet = "all flesh has been corrupted before Me" = therefore the LORD said: "I will destroy all flesh" whereby only Noah was genetically pure before God.
How often you admonish us not to add our "figgering outs" to the word of God but that is exactly what you have done
You say the bible says the angels forsook their proper domain and came to earth taking on physical bodies by which they were then able to procreate with the daughters of men.
It's all a MASSIVE conjecture.
Where would they get the power to create these physical bodies against the will of God?
There is a danger in taking Enoch as scripture for it seems like a heady mixture of scripture and legend not dissimilar to the book of Mormon.
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