For the record - Calvin was the instigator of 27 executions. The first being his ex friend Sevetus. Servetus disagreed with Calvin and even went so far as to mark up Calvin's book with corrections. The marked up copy was tied around his neck so as it burnt it gave Servetus even more suffering by chocking fumes before he died.
Nowadays Calvanist are better known as closet calvanists. They deny following there leader but any exegesis is always bent towards there leaders dogma. If you ever meet a calvanist and find there interpretation offensive, you will be labelled an arminian by default. Even if you have not the foggiest notion of what that means.
The BIG problem is that this cult see only a two horse race. You are either calvanist or arminian. Read the Bible for yourself and you will see the biblical view is far wider.
Calvinism is definitely NOT biblical as many people on this web site have demonstrated.
It does not seem to be common knowledge who or what Arminius taught or believed. He did NOT propose free will in the sense that Calvinist allege. In fact he was a Calvinist of his time. Being a Professor he was asked to look into a problem in that two Dutchmen were not toeing the party line. This came to be known as the remonstrance. On researching the remonstrators views, he found there was no biblical evidence whatsoever that the Bible teaches humans are predestined to hell. He did not entirely disagree with the remonstrators. He did not go on the campaign trail as he was a mainstream reformer and he knew he would get burnt at the stake for doing so.
Thats a very short history. my point is that Calvanist peddle there stuff based on misinformation and straw man arguments. If only they would read the stuff Calvin wrote and published. I have posted some of it on this web sit already. Dr Vance maybe a KJV only man but his book contains the teaching of just about every mainstream Calvanist and put it alongside the Bible to expose its heresy.
Most Calvinists do not know that Calvin was a 'supralapsarian'. That is he taught that God predestined Adam and Eve's fall to the very second. ( Institutes book 3 Ch27). Calvin taught 'double predestination,'. Calvanist alway lose an argument on this because it means God is indeed the author of sin. Hence they invent 'single predestination'. I.E God predestines the elect but passes over the rest. As if that makes a difference. Its not just offensive stuff it is actually blasphemy. If it were correct it would be in the Bible.
Many people on this web site have already demonstrated the biblical position.
The biggest problem in the UK regarding the church is that rotwieler churchians peddle this Calvinistic clap trap and lead many astray. That is why third world countries are sending missionaries back to the UK.
A good web site they discusses all the above posts is The Pristine Faith Restoration Society - Home Page
PFRS stands for Pristine Faith Restoration Society - Hence it is not calvanistic but biblical.
Nowadays Calvanist are better known as closet calvanists. They deny following there leader but any exegesis is always bent towards there leaders dogma. If you ever meet a calvanist and find there interpretation offensive, you will be labelled an arminian by default. Even if you have not the foggiest notion of what that means.
The BIG problem is that this cult see only a two horse race. You are either calvanist or arminian. Read the Bible for yourself and you will see the biblical view is far wider.
Calvinism is definitely NOT biblical as many people on this web site have demonstrated.
It does not seem to be common knowledge who or what Arminius taught or believed. He did NOT propose free will in the sense that Calvinist allege. In fact he was a Calvinist of his time. Being a Professor he was asked to look into a problem in that two Dutchmen were not toeing the party line. This came to be known as the remonstrance. On researching the remonstrators views, he found there was no biblical evidence whatsoever that the Bible teaches humans are predestined to hell. He did not entirely disagree with the remonstrators. He did not go on the campaign trail as he was a mainstream reformer and he knew he would get burnt at the stake for doing so.
Thats a very short history. my point is that Calvanist peddle there stuff based on misinformation and straw man arguments. If only they would read the stuff Calvin wrote and published. I have posted some of it on this web sit already. Dr Vance maybe a KJV only man but his book contains the teaching of just about every mainstream Calvanist and put it alongside the Bible to expose its heresy.
Most Calvinists do not know that Calvin was a 'supralapsarian'. That is he taught that God predestined Adam and Eve's fall to the very second. ( Institutes book 3 Ch27). Calvin taught 'double predestination,'. Calvanist alway lose an argument on this because it means God is indeed the author of sin. Hence they invent 'single predestination'. I.E God predestines the elect but passes over the rest. As if that makes a difference. Its not just offensive stuff it is actually blasphemy. If it were correct it would be in the Bible.
Many people on this web site have already demonstrated the biblical position.
The biggest problem in the UK regarding the church is that rotwieler churchians peddle this Calvinistic clap trap and lead many astray. That is why third world countries are sending missionaries back to the UK.
A good web site they discusses all the above posts is The Pristine Faith Restoration Society - Home Page
PFRS stands for Pristine Faith Restoration Society - Hence it is not calvanistic but biblical.