ONE of the 21 verses [and RECALL the "CHRONOLOGY" issues I had raised!] which I listed with this specific phrase, states:
"And the devil, the one deceiving them, was cast into the lake of fire and of sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet also are; and they will be tormented day and night to/unto the ages of the ages." - Rev20:10
(there's no "dying" out-from this, for "DEATH" will have been "destroyed [G2673 - make idle (inactive), make of no effect, annul, abolish, bring to naught; to render inoperative]" at this GRWj point in the chronology]; others are also "cast into," at this GWTj point in the chronology [i.e. same point in time], per v.15)
"And the devil, the one deceiving them, was cast into the lake of fire and of sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet also are; and they will be tormented day and night to/unto the ages of the ages." - Rev20:10
(there's no "dying" out-from this, for "DEATH" will have been "destroyed [G2673 - make idle (inactive), make of no effect, annul, abolish, bring to naught; to render inoperative]" at this GRWj point in the chronology]; others are also "cast into," at this GWTj point in the chronology [i.e. same point in time], per v.15)
You're saying, "as far as the order of events; people not found in the book are cast into the fire after satan & angels and after death & hell are all cast into the fire. And if the passage says that satan and angels are tormented day and night forever...and if death itself is cast into the fire rendering death an impossibility...then people not found in the book of life - per the very last verse of chapter 20 - also would be tormented day and night forever along with satan."
Is this a fair rendering of your position?
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