You don't read too swell, do you? Give me the the exact verse in the passage that tells Nicodemus what he must do to be born from above? Did Nicodemus have anything to do with his physical birth? Then what would possess you to think that he would have anything to do with his spiritual birth? That he could will himself to be born again? Do you know what a metaphor is? What a simile is? What an analogy is? Has it every occurred to you that Jesus was telling Nicodemus that something must be done TO him from above? Have you ever pondered verse 8 wherein Jesus speaks of the sovereign will of the Spirit? Or have you ever read Jn 1:13? Can you connect the dots between these two latter verses?
A chain is only as good as its weakest link. And so it is also with arguments, premises, syllogisms, etc. There are no weak links in the Doctrines of Grace. They are not only solidly connected together, but they all connect just as solidly with the rest of scripture as well.
A chain is only as good as its weakest link. And so it is also with arguments, premises, syllogisms, etc. There are no weak links in the Doctrines of Grace. They are not only solidly connected together, but they all connect just as solidly with the rest of scripture as well.
nicodenus asked. How can this be (in other words what must happen what must u seen. What do I have to do to be born again?)
Jesus started his answer by taking him back to Moses
what did the people have to do to live again? What (if they failed to do) would leaven them under Gods judgment
I answered the question
Jesus answered the question
They can’t see the answer because they would have to admit they are wrong.
Like she did in the other thread they will keep Asking the question that is right there in front of them. Like my Mom said. If it was a snake it would bite you.