"God 'will repay each person according to what they have done.' To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life."—Romans 2:6-7
Here we see crystal clearly that those who persist in doing good will inherit eternal life. This is not about receiving one reward or another; it's about salvation itself.
Unfortunately many confuse actions and works. Works has become a dirty word; but works has two meanings in the New Testament. One is works of the Law of Moses; and the other refers to actions on our part that demonstrate our faith. The second refers to obedience. If a person thinks they can be saved without obedience I'm afraid they're very sadly mistaken.
Here we see crystal clearly that those who persist in doing good will inherit eternal life. This is not about receiving one reward or another; it's about salvation itself.
Unfortunately many confuse actions and works. Works has become a dirty word; but works has two meanings in the New Testament. One is works of the Law of Moses; and the other refers to actions on our part that demonstrate our faith. The second refers to obedience. If a person thinks they can be saved without obedience I'm afraid they're very sadly mistaken.
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