Well God said let us make man in our image, then he said let us make man in our likeness.
Firstly what part of God is created from the dust.
Is there any resemblance there and is there any likeness there.
Then God formed man from the dust or the earth, either way there both used in the same expression.
Firstly when man made Adam from the earth was he alive at this point 🤔
Then God breathed life into to man and scripture says he became a living soul.
Does God say he breathed a living soul into man from else where 🤔.
It sounds like he saying man became a living soul.
Would this indicate that the flesh is also a soul, as in the parts of the flesh you don't see like the conscience of the mind.
Then scripture says man died a spiritual death.
Does this mean mans conscience was made spiritually alive before the fall.
Firstly what part of God is created from the dust.
Is there any resemblance there and is there any likeness there.
Then God formed man from the dust or the earth, either way there both used in the same expression.
Firstly when man made Adam from the earth was he alive at this point 🤔
Then God breathed life into to man and scripture says he became a living soul.
Does God say he breathed a living soul into man from else where 🤔.
It sounds like he saying man became a living soul.
Would this indicate that the flesh is also a soul, as in the parts of the flesh you don't see like the conscience of the mind.
Then scripture says man died a spiritual death.
Does this mean mans conscience was made spiritually alive before the fall.
2) Yet, because Jesus was flesh after being conceived in Mary's womb, he could die; and because he was God as spirit, he could rise from the dead.
3) Paul said that believers are being re-made in the image of God (Colossians 3:10), so since our physical likeness isn't being changed, it can't mean that we physically look like God.
4) Therefore, Paul means that God's divine qualities are being instilled in us to replace the old, sinful ones (the whole chapter of Colossians 3).
5) The answers to the rest of your questions are hidden in mystery. I have learned to subject my reason to accept the mysteries of God's Word instead of thinking that I can solve them all.
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