Numerous fabrications and tampering with physical evidence by scientists who were evolutionists and felt that the end justified the means has been documented; however, micro evolution does occur within a species or a genus (but new genera and, with few exceptions, new species do not descend from a common ancestor).
In truth, many (but certainly not all) evolutionists I've debated are some of the most disingenuous people I've ever met. They've lied to my face, engaged in fallacious reasoning and ad hominem all with a nasty demeaning attitude, misrepresented the evidence knowingly, exhibited personality disorders often attended with anger management issues, etc... etc... etc...
I've gone toe to toe with atheist evolutionists who's entire life was consumed by atheism and evolutionary theory to the point of obsession reminiscent of attempting to deal with a militant terrorist Muslim... lol. It was their "religion", their belief system, their reason for living, their whole world, etc... and they were on a mission from God (so to speak) to "evangelize" the world.
But there is no doubt, when you examine all the evidence and not just the palette presented by atheist evolutionists, that God's involvement in the creation of life is the reality. That; however, doesn't translate to the earth is only 6,000 years old and Fred Flintstone used a dinosaur to pull his plow like so many of my misguided brethren believe... lol. Yabadabadoo.
Here's a great video clip of how they altered Lucy's hip with a power saw.