Re: What word stumbles many in 1 Tim. 2:12, speaking of woman not to ”teach or have..
We should obey to our pastor as God gave him to rule over us. For someone to rule over the church, he must be a man.not woman because the woman must keep silent and cannot teach. Paul had not ordain them to teach.
If you let women to teach men, you are against Paul.
OK, bro, suit yourself. But, God NEVER in Scripture says a "We should obey our MAN PASTOR ONLY as God gave him rule over us."
In fact, nowhere in Scripture, is where you will find ANY Scripture saying "Woman are not to pastor a church." It's NOT in there.
And, furthermore, 1 Tim. 2:12 is speaking of same ideas of 1 Cor. 14:34-35, laywomen, wives, who are with husbands and sit in the pew, it is NOT speaking of a woman who is 'called' to pastor a church, and, yes, pastor over not just women, but, you men, too, especially PASTORING men that don't read words well enough before deciding to yell at one of miladies on here , LOL. let's take the name, angela, for example, and, who say 'Junia was a woman ! ' when that fact was pointed out by the poster (gasp, alas! a woman) in her earlier posts.
One thing about guys too, they get toooo emotional preaching, sometimes, even the best of them while women, hmmm, they are cool and collected, I like the word 'sang froid,' they are confident, too, because Christ has touched their life to come to the pulpit in a way that is going to be direct as a lightning bolt from Cupid through heart. Don't kid yourself, it's pretty obvious that women pastors are not the norm in the bible, like never are there woman preachers. But just because something is not the norm, and, never happened in one time period does not mean it never will happen in another. Paul's time was directly against women, their rights were very limited as Paul speaks both in 1 Cor. 14:34-35 and 1 Tim. 2:11-15. "Childbearing' being their best norm, so to speak. This is not to say that is bad, it is not, and, for most women, THIS path is the norm, get married, get a husband, and, have kids, and, probably, teaching women is a good idea, as Paul expresses it in 1 Tim. 4 but sometimes God works mysteriously and a woman can even teach men in bible class, as He wills it so, and, there WILL be good fruit. And, if not good fruit, and, bad, instead, then, that could happen to a man preaching just as easy as a woman preaching. The key is following the Lord and He will lead that church His way.
Every church is His bride, every church should follow His best for it.
The Israelites had God Himself their guide and ruler and king but they complained and murmored and whined and so God sent them that nice guy, Saul, who was overbearing and treated them MUCH worse than God would ever treat them. In fact, God's rule was good--punishment His rule was to some, but GOOD, all the time, God was doing GOOD !

Saul was bad, even subscribed to evil spirits and demons toward the end of his life and chasing David around in hopes of killing Him. Still, Saul was 'God's annointed,' so.....
You have GOT to be kidding me. God puts a pastor in charge of a church to 'rule over them'??? No, no, no, a pastor = a shepherd, and he leads the flock (church God's apponted him to) , crossedpreacher. C'mon, bro, don't be so crossed up