notuptome says:
Well, you can read back through it yourself and he didn't refute any scripture. Matter of fact, he quoted a whole lot more scripture than you did and frankly, pretty much took you to the woodshed with any arguments. Like I said, Mailmandan was debating with scripture and making good theologically sound arguments, but he was the only one.
notuptome says:
Unless you're God, he looked to be arguing with you. I don't think anybody has theological arguments with God?
Yes, he did appear to have deep faith and he seemed very knowledgable.
You are right. He would have confronted me all day long. He was not able to refute the scriptures and that is why he ceased well before he was banned.
notuptome says:
He was arguing against God not me. He was deeply indoctrinated into Romanism and was not able to help himself. God gives them over to do the things which are not convenient.
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