just exploring this point some more - because IMO a good rule of thumb is that the right interpretation is the interpretation with the right Christology - there are a bunch of questions it raises:
whether adam in Genesis 3:22 refers to all mankind, to Adam & Eve, or to Adam in particular, Adam himself is included in what God says; i can just focus on him as representative of the general case
and so on..
whether adam in Genesis 3:22 refers to all mankind, to Adam & Eve, or to Adam in particular, Adam himself is included in what God says; i can just focus on him as representative of the general case
- how did Adam become like God?
- did Adam become like God by eating from the tree?
- did Adam become like God by something he did?
- by something he said?
- by something he thought?
- by something he believed?
- is becoming like God something that happened to Adam or something Adam did to himself?
- did everyone become like God through Adam?
- can anyone become like God apart from Adam?
- who else does scripture describe as becoming like God?
- how did they / do they / will they?
- who does scripture say wants to become like God?
- are there different ways of becoming like God?
- is it only by eating from this tree?
- does the tree actually make someone like God?
- is Satan lying to Woman when he says so, or not?
- if Satan's telling the truth about this, does it only work on humans?
- can Satan eat from the tree? what will happen if he does?
- did he? does he want to?
- did he eat from the other tree? can he? does he want to?
- what does He mean by like one of Us?
- why not 'like Me' ?
- is this about some property God & angels share that Adam didn't originally have?
- is this referring to trinity?
- if so then to which one of the trinity?
- did Adam become like God the Father?
- did Adam become like the Spirit of God?
- did Adam become like Christ?
- is Adam called a type of Christ?
- is Eve?
- is mankind in general?
and so on..
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