Prophecies are conditional. Zechariah's prophecy to Israel was on condition that they would get their act together and announce to the world the arrival of the Messiah in Bethlehem.
They blew it, and thus God could not fulfill His promises to them. Good gravy, man, Jesus HIMSELF said that the kingdom was to be "taken from them and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof" which is the church. Sure, certain elements of Zechariah's prophecy will be fulfilled by the church, just as Jonah's prophecy went unfulfilled, but eventually Nineveh was destroyed at a much later date.
They blew it, and thus God could not fulfill His promises to them. Good gravy, man, Jesus HIMSELF said that the kingdom was to be "taken from them and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof" which is the church. Sure, certain elements of Zechariah's prophecy will be fulfilled by the church, just as Jonah's prophecy went unfulfilled, but eventually Nineveh was destroyed at a much later date.
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