We are all of the natural world first, though, before being born again. Being born in Adam first,
before being born again in Christ. So we all practised lawlessness, which is what a tare does.
If people are born as tares, then they do not have a choice to become wheat, which contradicts your belief
that people are free to choose to believe. I wondered how you reconciled people not being fashioned
for damnation if they were born a tare with no option to ever being a wheat. You questioned why
I assumed tares were people, which is what they are identified as in Scripture. I may need a nap...
before being born again in Christ. So we all practised lawlessness, which is what a tare does.
If people are born as tares, then they do not have a choice to become wheat, which contradicts your belief
that people are free to choose to believe. I wondered how you reconciled people not being fashioned
for damnation if they were born a tare with no option to ever being a wheat. You questioned why
I assumed tares were people, which is what they are identified as in Scripture. I may need a nap...
This isn't difficult to see in scripture. God created Adam and Eve. Both wheat. Satan enticed them to sin. As part of the curse for the woman, God greatly increased both her sorrow and conception. Notice, it doesn't say sorrow IN conception, but sorrow AND conception. This increase in births is how the tares were sown by Satan. It was his deception that led to sin and the curse.
From there God develops these 2 lines of humanity and what characterizes each. Some notable delineations are made between Cain and Abel, Ishmael and Isaac, and Jacob and Esau. Each pair adding different aspects of the differences between the two lines.
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