Greetings tantalon!
The tribulation period which is described from Revelation chapter 6 thru 18, is God's wrath. To be clear, God's wrath is the tribulation period when the seals, trumpets and bowl judgments will be take place upon the earth. We who are believers have already been saved from judgment through faith in Christ, which is why we cannot and will not be on the earth after the first seal has been opened, which initiates God's wrath.
Revelation 20:11-15 is the resurrection of all the unrighteous dead through all of history. The church is not resurrected here, nor will they be judged here. The second death which is the lake of fire, has power over those who take part in that resurrection which takes place after the thousand years at the great white throne judgment. This resurrection will consist of the unrighteous dead throughout all of history. The fact that it states that their spirits will be released from Hades tells us that they are the wicked, for it is the same place that the rich man went to where he was in torment in flame. And because of this, no one whose spirit is released from Hades, their names will not be found in the book of life.
Understanding no sign as a wonder was given .
The church will indeed be judged at the Bema seat of Christ, not for sin, but to receive rewards are loss of reward. We will not be judged for our sins, because Christ already paid for them. And as John states regarding believers, "When we sin, if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. If we are cleansed of our sins when we ask, how can God bring them back up? If God judged believers for their sins the same as the wicked, what difference would be between the righteous and the wicked. For if we even had one sin not covered by Jesus, our place would also be the lake of fire.
Understanding the time of God's wrath is not a matter of looking up words, but the time period and its severity. The seals, trumpets and bowl judgments, along with the plagues that the two witnesses will bring, the beasts kingdom, his image and his mark, are all apart of God's wrath, fulfilling His will for those who have rejected Christ and continue to live according to the sinful nature.
Also, the bowl judgments are specifically referred to as being the last plagues, because with them God's wrath will be completed. Suffice to say, if the bowl judgments make up the last of God's wrath, this would demonstrate that there would have to be plagues of wrath prior to them, which would be the seals and the trumpets.
The tribulation period which is described from Revelation chapter 6 thru 18, is God's wrath. To be clear, God's wrath is the tribulation period when the seals, trumpets and bowl judgments will be take place upon the earth. We who are believers have already been saved from judgment through faith in Christ, which is why we cannot and will not be on the earth after the first seal has been opened, which initiates God's wrath.
Revelation 20:11-15 is the resurrection of all the unrighteous dead through all of history. The church is not resurrected here, nor will they be judged here. The second death which is the lake of fire, has power over those who take part in that resurrection which takes place after the thousand years at the great white throne judgment. This resurrection will consist of the unrighteous dead throughout all of history. The fact that it states that their spirits will be released from Hades tells us that they are the wicked, for it is the same place that the rich man went to where he was in torment in flame. And because of this, no one whose spirit is released from Hades, their names will not be found in the book of life.
Understanding no sign as a wonder was given .
The church will indeed be judged at the Bema seat of Christ, not for sin, but to receive rewards are loss of reward. We will not be judged for our sins, because Christ already paid for them. And as John states regarding believers, "When we sin, if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. If we are cleansed of our sins when we ask, how can God bring them back up? If God judged believers for their sins the same as the wicked, what difference would be between the righteous and the wicked. For if we even had one sin not covered by Jesus, our place would also be the lake of fire.
Understanding the time of God's wrath is not a matter of looking up words, but the time period and its severity. The seals, trumpets and bowl judgments, along with the plagues that the two witnesses will bring, the beasts kingdom, his image and his mark, are all apart of God's wrath, fulfilling His will for those who have rejected Christ and continue to live according to the sinful nature.
Also, the bowl judgments are specifically referred to as being the last plagues, because with them God's wrath will be completed. Suffice to say, if the bowl judgments make up the last of God's wrath, this would demonstrate that there would have to be plagues of wrath prior to them, which would be the seals and the trumpets.
We must be careful how we hear the understanding by which God gives us as ears to hear the gospel.
The wrath or tribulation of God according to the letter of the law "death" is being revealed from heaven. A dying creation.(Romans 1:18) It reveals the wage of sin the sufferings called hell.. Hell and the sufferings of it will be cast into the judgement fire on the last day . We are not to beleive the lying wonder that men will suffer the wage of sin in a place called purgatory. A place of unknown amount of sufferings or length of time .Keeps them wondering called a lying wonder and not believing the truth.. The letter of the law on the last day will be cast away never to rise and condemn through sufferings the wage of sin a entire creation ever again. There is no life for a unbeliever after this life. That is a wile of the evil one.
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