Yes. Rev.19:11-21 is a detailed account of the Lord's physical and visual return to the earth to end the age and establish His millennial kingdom. Prior to that at the pouring out of the 6th bowl, those three demonic beings that come out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast and the false prophet, go throughout the earth and gather together the kings of the earth and their armies to Armageddon. It is at this time, that the angels will also be going throughout the entire earth gathering the "one taken" group to bring them back to where all of those kings, their generals and their armies will have been gathered. At that same time, the angel of Rev.19:17-18, will be calling all of the birds/vultures of the air to come and gather themselves to the great supper of God to eat their flesh of all of those gathered there.
If you look at the parable of when Jesus returns to the earth in Matt.13:24-29, the harvesters who are symbolic for the angels, will first collect the weeds (one taken) and they will be tied into bundles to be burned, which I believe is speaking about their spirits going down into Hades. Even though some of the wicked make it through the tribulation alive, they will be killed when the Lord returns, which is why the angels will be gathering them.
If we look at the context of the "one taken" scripture, they are being compared to those taken in the flood. Therefore, the comparison is wicked to wicked. It is definitely not referring to the gathering of the church, because "one taken and one left" would be inferring half of the earths population would be caught up, which would not match what Jesus said about the wide gate and many entering in vs. a few who enter in through the narrow gate.
Also, regarding the vultures, the word "aetos" means " an eagle, bird of prey" or more accurately, "thevultur percnopterus," which resembles an eagle.
This is why when Jesus responds to His disciples with "wherever the carcass (dead body) is there will the vultures gather," which I believe is referring to that event which takes place as the Lord is returning to the earth. It's at this same time that the beast and the false prophet are captured and thrown alive into the lake of fire. After that Satan is bound in the Abyss. There will be a lot going on as the Lord returns to the earth.
If you look at the parable of when Jesus returns to the earth in Matt.13:24-29, the harvesters who are symbolic for the angels, will first collect the weeds (one taken) and they will be tied into bundles to be burned, which I believe is speaking about their spirits going down into Hades. Even though some of the wicked make it through the tribulation alive, they will be killed when the Lord returns, which is why the angels will be gathering them.
If we look at the context of the "one taken" scripture, they are being compared to those taken in the flood. Therefore, the comparison is wicked to wicked. It is definitely not referring to the gathering of the church, because "one taken and one left" would be inferring half of the earths population would be caught up, which would not match what Jesus said about the wide gate and many entering in vs. a few who enter in through the narrow gate.
Also, regarding the vultures, the word "aetos" means " an eagle, bird of prey" or more accurately, "thevultur percnopterus," which resembles an eagle.
This is why when Jesus responds to His disciples with "wherever the carcass (dead body) is there will the vultures gather," which I believe is referring to that event which takes place as the Lord is returning to the earth. It's at this same time that the beast and the false prophet are captured and thrown alive into the lake of fire. After that Satan is bound in the Abyss. There will be a lot going on as the Lord returns to the earth.
so does the tares and wheat parable mentioned is that as well something of revelation or of something else. in that parable the tares seems are left in the field to be burned and the wheat is placed taken to the barn it seems. Which is like farming taken the corn leaving the weeds.