I can’t agree if your saying there will bt no literal events and time period of Christs rule after these events.
God, and prophesy, state otherwise.
God knows what Satan and these two men are going to do. He not only allows it He does not stop it.
There is a reason this time will be of great tribulation such as never seen before. it is the time God removed his restraint. Whether you as some believe this is the rapture of HS filled church, or just that God stop restraining or preventing Mankind from doing what it has always wanted to do. It is what will happen.
Thats why he wrote in words specific so those of us who are alive and see these things can see what is going on when it happens. And not be deceived. And be encouraged to “endure till the end” and even if you can;t. Know the end is near, and even if you cannot endure, you will be with the lord at that moment.
I do believe there will be a literal fulfillment, in the post you quoted from me it ends "I do believe he will,,,, right after this one runs it's coarse in time"
Now if you consider the differences between what we are speaking of the only major difference is that you and others are pre trib. pre wrath pre mill....(no offense,lol) and so from that point the beast exist and begins to fulfill the things in Scripture "after the Rapture" and so there's no reason for any to look at the events unfolding as if they pertain to to the beast,two horned beast because it is seen as future tense to them being raptured.
On the other hand in a post trib. pre wrath pre mill, frame of mind then those who see this will look for the fulfillment of the deception,that beast kingdom, that tribulation,two horned beast,mark ect.and then the rapture and the mill, kingdom(I have gave those models in my prior post).
The preterist don't see any fulfillment in the 1948 Israel,,the Amills see it symbolic ect.
And so in anwsering the OP as to the bad rap some in Christianity will support Israel because they see it one way while other Christians will see it another. So the bad rap if you think about it is that they see some of Christianity in support of them but not all.
Now as I often say I am outside the camps but you see by now that I see post trib, pre wrath, pe mill. but not as many do today but rather more closer to the 2nd and part of 3rd century Church did.