I have always been close to God my entire life and the God I know does not plan to torment people who reject him for all eternity. I know what is taught and the scriptures that those who teach this use, can you tell me how a wonderful and loving God would torment forever. Putting something bad to sleep forever and out of its misery, like a dog with rabies, is merciful. Please explain without scripture (because I know the verses well) ...explain by your experience and relationship with God what he revealed to you about this. I don't understand, the God I know is not like this. I do believe there is a judgment and evil people who reject him will not have a good end, but not that way.
Christianity was born from Judaism. Though you'll encounter Antisemitism in some churches that deny this. Those are not actual churches of Christ and his word.
Jesus, Emmanuel, Yeshua (Joshua), was a Jew. He was born into an observant family, he taught from the scrolls, bible, in the Temple, and many of his parables were a reflection of those in the Torah.
There is no Hell as Christians know it in Judaism.
Hell was invented by the cult of Zoroastrianism first. Then it was tweaked by the pagan organized sect claiming the teachings of Christ as their own, Roman Catholicism. Also, called the Roman Rite.
Fear is a great persuader.
Which is why the church burned their enemies alive before those gathered in the villages where the church ruled.
A sort of example if you will, of the torture and suffering Hell will bring them for eternity and without ceasing. Unlike that poor screaming one lashed to the pyre.
If they really wanted to terrorize their victim and the witnesses they used green wood. This burns slower and it takes longer for their victim to be consumed.
If it is true God predetermined whom he would save, then he also predetermined whom he would not save. There exist confessions that proclaim that as well.
If Hell is believed to exist then God's trait as Omni-benevolence cannot.
There is an old truth that warns, if you believe in a god that thinks like you do and hates all the same people, you've made a god into your image and likeness.
I've known many a Christian like that.
Trust God is better than what many people need to believe is their god.
Otherwise, who will save you from that one but coming to realize him to be false.
Stay happy and in peace.