Why do we use the Bible to beat people over the head?
So is the Bible called "the Sword of the Spirit" for a good reason, and if so, what is that reason? (A sword is far more lethal than a club or a 2 x 4).
1. Firstly Christians must understand that they are in a spiritual battle with Satan and his evil spirits. There is war in the heavens, and there is also warfare on earth.
2. Secondly Christians must understand that the primary goal of Satan is to DECEIVE people, including Christians. And this deception takes the form of ideas and beliefs that contradict the Word of God, and confuse people.
3. Thirdly Christians must understand that God has given them TWO offensive weapons against all the evil forces: (1) the written Word of God and (2) prayer. It is only by the proper use of Scripture that every false doctrine, false idea, and false practice can be exposed for what it is. Then it is up to those who hold false beliefs to either abandon them or double down in their wilful blindness (which is generally the case). However, when people give account before God, they will be reminded that they had the truth but they preferred the lies.
4. When the Lord Jesus Christ used the Sword of the Spirit against Satan who was tempting Him to no avail, He was not beating him over the head, but defeating his lies and temptations. So people who do not like this type of warfare should stay home. Chances are that they will be deceived because they failed to accept these hard truths.
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