Do you recognize and understand that these verses are describing things happening during the GT? :
Matthew 24:23-26
Mark 13:21-23
If I stick to the above passages (with what relates to these), may I make comment on THIS subject??

(I will endeavor to stay within these parameters... but I warn you, lol, it DOES touch on things beyond the immediate texts, here

My basic answer to the above-quoted question...
Matthew 24:23-26 and Mark 13:21-23 are indeed parallel (so, YES!), and speak of the same time-period, which is [
and involves]...
"The GREAT tribulation":
--defined as, the same period of time mentioned in Revelation 7:9,14 involving the "a great multitude... of all the nations" (who are said to be "coming OUT OF" it); and
set in contradistinction to "the 144,000 [comp.1:1 with 7:3]" also on the earth at the same general time-frame as this "a great multitude" are "coming OUT OF [the GREAT tribulation]" [...vv.14-17 being parallel to Isa49:10, an
earthly MK passage (i.e. their destination location)]
--the [Matt/Mk/Olivet Discourse] use of "proleptic 'you'" (meaning basically, "all those in the future,
of the same category"... and in this context, refers to those TO WHOM the promised and prophesied
EARTHLY Millennial Kingdom,
was promised)
"abominationS [PLURAL]" is what Daniel 9 refers to, that would take place following the "[Messiah]... be CUT OFF and have nothing [or, but not for himself]"; that is, after He is "cut off" [meaning, these (plural) fall in the yrs subsequent to His death (i.e. the 70ad events)]... but "abomina
TION [SINGULAR]" is that to which
both Jesus in Matt24:15 [in relation to the v.21 "GREAT tribulation" which will thereafter unfold] AND Dan12:11 refer [with "wording-connection" to that of 2Th2:
4], which is something
distinct from the
"plural" form expressed in the former
--related to the same SEQUENCE, being, that which FOLLOWS "the beginning of birth PANGS [PLURAL]," and which the INITIAL "birth PANG [SINGULAR]" (back at the FIRST one of those) is what "kicks off" the 7-yr period (aka the ARRIVAL of the DOTL time period [1Th5:2-3 - "birth PANG [
SINGULAR]"] with its "man of sin" ARRIVING at that same point-in-time [2Th2:7b-8a,9a/Dan9:27a(26)/Matt24:4.Mk13:5/Rev6:2])
--and OF that specific, limited, future "time-period,"
Rev1:1 had said, "which must come to pass
IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]" (not the ADVERBS of "soon," "quick
LY," or "immediate
LY," that is, NOT that which would transpire and unfold upon the earth over some 2000 years, as the Historicist view has it [though I understand that is your view

]). I believe this particular, specific, limited time-period refers to the entire, future "7-yr" period [see again 2Th2:9a/Dan9:27a(26)] and runs concurrently with that SAME "time period" using those SAME words "IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]" in both Lk18:8[/chpt17-end context]'s "
AVENGE IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]" [this is NOT happening "NOW"] and Rom16:20's "shall bruise Satan
UNDER YOUR feet IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]" [this is NOT happening
YET--this is one of the purposes of
our RELOCATION (i.e. our Rapture...
IN THE AIR), though most of the events of that time period will be unfolding upon the earth (during those 7y)--By "our," I refer to "the Church which is His body" (all believers of "this present age [singular]") to whom the "Rapture" SOLELY pertains--Ppl will be coming to faith FOLLOWING our Rapture, however, as the events of the 7-yr period unfold upon the earth; IOW, the Olivet Discourse is NOT covering the SUBJECT pertaining to "the Church which is His body" and its "Rapture [IN THE AIR]," but those to whom the promised and prophesied EARTHLY Millennial Kingdom,
was promised]
It is for these reasons,
and more, that the Historicist viewpoint remains unconvincing to me.