It's just completely wrong imho to totally forget the Father, while pretending to love the Son. That goes against everything Lord Jesus Christ taught. Many Christians have forgotten God the Father completely. God the Father revealed Himself as Yahweh. He said "I am Yahweh your God, you shall have no other gods beside Me". He also said, "I, even I, am Yahweh, and beside Me there is no Savior." Yeshua is the Son of Yahweh, His Eternal Word, just as the Holy Ghost is the Eternal Spirit of Yahweh. The Three are Co-Equal and One Lord God.
Just as He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father truly, so also he who does not honor the Father does not honor the Son truly. True believers will worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth, as the Lord said, i.e. worship the Father, with His Word, Jesus, and His Spirit, the Holy Ghost. The Father is Yahweh. Yeshua is the Son of Yahweh Who is One with Yahweh. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of YHWH.
Just as He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father truly, so also he who does not honor the Father does not honor the Son truly. True believers will worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth, as the Lord said, i.e. worship the Father, with His Word, Jesus, and His Spirit, the Holy Ghost. The Father is Yahweh. Yeshua is the Son of Yahweh Who is One with Yahweh. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of YHWH.
The leaders of Rabbinic Judaism are the very same as were in the time of Jesus. These are the same Pharisees. Wiki it.
They have, from the beginning, tried to root out the name of God.
They have forbidden it (in the name of protecting people from violating the 3rd commandment).
They have proclaimed that it is not pronounceable (although it proclaimed even in PSALMS).
They have put forward that everyone forgot how to say it.
They have put forward False names in an attempt to get something to "stick" other than his true name.
Yad-Hey = YAH and stands by itself 45+ times referring to Him.
Yad-Hey-Waw is an integral part of many names and places and is always pronounced "YAHOO" = "YAHU"
for example: Elijah = EliYAHU ; Judah = YAHU-dah ; Joshua = YAHU-sha
There are many other examples and it is ALWAYS pronounced YAHU and is that part of the name that refers to HIM.
Yod-Hey-Waw-Hey is simply YAHU with the "ah" added. YAHUAH ("Yahooah") is the only pronunciation that makes sense.
One does NOT need a PhD to understand the alphabet. This is more like "Ancient Hebrew" week 1.
Pronouncing God's name as "YAH-WEH" is close but no cigar. The Pharisees know this. "weh" is not in ancient Hebrew.
(The use of "yeh" is also incorrect and they know this very well.) They admit that there is no "W" sound in ancient Hebrew but insist on using it in "Yahweh". Then the PhDs say that Yahuah has a "W" sound, which it does NOT. At least there is no letter representing a "W".
The letter Vav is a much later addition to the language.
Using "Hashem" ("the name") is nothing more than a nod to Ashima, the Assyrian God.
Using God's name "Yahuah" is not only appropriate, it is the most accurate and the most meaningful way to pronounce it.
Until someone can convince me that it is not correct or that it should not be spoke, I will continue to proclaim the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Jesus. Yahuah, God the Father and creator. Thank you for sending your son, Yahushua, so that all that believe in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
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