If this is true, All OT jews will be in heaven, This is not true.
This is a future prophesy where 144000 new jewish missionaries will be saved, and spread out to respread the gospel. this has nothing to do wiht the OT.
God did not promise abraham and his descendents a spiritual land, he promised them a physical land, the land of canaan, Thus spiritual israel can not be the fulfillment.
God promised heaven to all people. jew and gentile in all ages, including the age of Israel (see Jonah and the great gentile city who repented at his teaching)
And they were are have been, But that has nothign to do with the land God promised HIM AND HIS PEOPLE.
Abraham is the father of anyone who will be in heaven, And your right only God can baptise us into his family (Oh wait, your talking water baptism arent you? If you are!!
God promised multiple times in the OT and Paul reiterated that promise, and revelations confirms them
1. Isreal will be scattered all over the earth due to her sin (fulfilled 70 AD)
2. Israel will be restored when the times of the gentile has been fulfilled, when she repents and reciever her messiah
3. Israel will be side by side with all gentile nations, and all of them will worship the king, whoever does not, God will withhold rain from them for 1 year.
sorry, But scģripture does not support replacement theology
This is a future prophesy where 144000 new jewish missionaries will be saved, and spread out to respread the gospel. this has nothing to do wiht the OT.
God did not promise abraham and his descendents a spiritual land, he promised them a physical land, the land of canaan, Thus spiritual israel can not be the fulfillment.
God promised heaven to all people. jew and gentile in all ages, including the age of Israel (see Jonah and the great gentile city who repented at his teaching)
And they were are have been, But that has nothign to do with the land God promised HIM AND HIS PEOPLE.
Abraham is the father of anyone who will be in heaven, And your right only God can baptise us into his family (Oh wait, your talking water baptism arent you? If you are!!
God promised multiple times in the OT and Paul reiterated that promise, and revelations confirms them
1. Isreal will be scattered all over the earth due to her sin (fulfilled 70 AD)
2. Israel will be restored when the times of the gentile has been fulfilled, when she repents and reciever her messiah
3. Israel will be side by side with all gentile nations, and all of them will worship the king, whoever does not, God will withhold rain from them for 1 year.
sorry, But scģripture does not support replacement theology
No, i did not say every single Israélite from the old testament- just 12,000 from each tribe. 600,000 came out of egypt alone- and that is counting only the men. If you add in women and children that number has to at least double (1,200,000)- which is way more than 144,000. So yeah, clearly it was not every Israélite.
And then you are saying the 144,000 are futuristic Israélite missionaries. First of all that would mean none of the israelites were saved from the old testament. Where in the bible does it say that the 144,000 are futuristic missionaries? This passage in Revelation is telling us how many will be saved on judgement day- 144,000 from the old testament and too many to count from the new testament.
By saying all nations, yes He was saying spiritual not physical. And it is throughout the entire old testament. Noahs ark represented new testament baptism. The physically perfect lamb represented the spiritually perfect Lamb of God.
Isaiah 28:16 makes reference to Christ being the cornerstone of Zion- either that means spiritually or Christ will turn into a physical stone in a physical land.
You can say I'm wrong all you want, but you are the one not matching scripture or context.