goodness gracious, so Moses, David, EVERYBODY before Jesus, all in hell burning forever because they made one mistake and committed a sin? i cant believe you are tying to sell this.
I think EG just left the room of sanity. Moses spoke face to face with God, and lived. He glowed from these encounters
so brightly the people got scared. To suggest that the sacrifices for sin did not make the priests Holy is to actually
deny the Lords words and commands.
Moses was supported and defended by God, Korah was swallowed live into the ground and the 250 priests were killed
by fire.
Moses appeared with Jesus on the mountain of transfiguration, showing Moses was close to Gods heart, and
whatever issues there were they are 100% resolved.
On this basis it is fair to say if anyone says Moses is going to the lake of fire, they have simply gone nuts.
It does not surprise me, as the alternative to bashing your head against the truth is for ones mind to finally
crack. I try very hard to trust and let my heart and mind follow Gods leading, and then work through the
issues. So this stand is not even close to being sensible, it is like an open goal, a sad end to a ministry that
had promise. God bless you
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