Christ Appearing for Israel and the Nations.
(Power over the Nations. Rev.2: 26 & 27)
The Lord`s coming for the Body of Christ is as the `Morning Star.` However when He comes to deliver Israel and bring judgment upon the nations He is described as `the Sun of Righteousness.`
`For behold the day is coming, burning like an oven,
and all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble.
And the day which is coming shall burn them up,” says the Lord of hosts....
but to you who fear my name
The Sun of Righteousness shall arise...”
(Mal. 4: 1 & 2)
Note the appearance of the morning star only intensifies the darkness of the night. So between the appearing of Christ as the Morning Star (for the Body of Christ) and His coming as the Sun of Righteousness (for Israel and the Nations.) there will be a period of great darkness, known as the Tribulation.
`Immediately after the tribulation of those days....
all the tribes of the earth will mourn,
and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds
with power and great glory.`
(Matt. 24: 29 & 30)
The tribes & nations of the world that go through into the Millennium are then ruled with a `rod of iron.` This designates that there will be immediate consequences for wrong actions. (Zech. 14: 16 – 19)
The overcomers seated with Christ in glory, will have `power over the nations,` ruling with Him as King Priests.
`And he who overcomes and keeps my works until the end,
to him I will give power over the nations -
`He shall rule them with a rod of iron,
as a potter`s vessels shall be broken to pieces.`
(Rev. 26 & 27)
(Power over the Nations. Rev.2: 26 & 27)
The Lord`s coming for the Body of Christ is as the `Morning Star.` However when He comes to deliver Israel and bring judgment upon the nations He is described as `the Sun of Righteousness.`
`For behold the day is coming, burning like an oven,
and all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble.
And the day which is coming shall burn them up,” says the Lord of hosts....
but to you who fear my name
The Sun of Righteousness shall arise...”
(Mal. 4: 1 & 2)
Note the appearance of the morning star only intensifies the darkness of the night. So between the appearing of Christ as the Morning Star (for the Body of Christ) and His coming as the Sun of Righteousness (for Israel and the Nations.) there will be a period of great darkness, known as the Tribulation.
`Immediately after the tribulation of those days....
all the tribes of the earth will mourn,
and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds
with power and great glory.`
(Matt. 24: 29 & 30)
The tribes & nations of the world that go through into the Millennium are then ruled with a `rod of iron.` This designates that there will be immediate consequences for wrong actions. (Zech. 14: 16 – 19)
The overcomers seated with Christ in glory, will have `power over the nations,` ruling with Him as King Priests.
`And he who overcomes and keeps my works until the end,
to him I will give power over the nations -
`He shall rule them with a rod of iron,
as a potter`s vessels shall be broken to pieces.`
(Rev. 26 & 27)