Summary of Bible references on the Rapture

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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020

Isaiah 5:14 Therefore Sheol hath enlarged its desire, and opened its mouth without measure; and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth among them, descend into it.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020

She puts 12 links to other videos on this which is the main reason I have put this in here, and some of those pages link other videos as well.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Volcanoes that are currently active and erupting. The increased activity is thought to be a result of the approach of this Planet X system.



Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
He whom God shall condemn shall pay double

Exodus 22:9 For every matter of trespass, whether it be for ox, for ass, for sheep, for raiment, or for any manner of lost thing, whereof one saith, This is it, the cause of both parties shall come before God; he whom God shall condemn shall pay double unto his neighbor.

Looking at the destruction that is prophesied during the tribulation and on the Great Babylon you realize they will have to pay double. We have shown evidence of a stolen election, and now with this "Cindy" Mandate where everyone must get "Cindy" or lose their job they will have to pay double for that as well. I suspect NYC will pay a very high price for that as well as a number of other cities, states and countries.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
List of countries mandating the vaccine.



Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020

At 2:06 you can see two huge dips in the Solar X-ray flux, that indicates two solar eclipses! Two objects about one day apart blocked the sunlight to the Earth


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
I checked the USGS website for "significant earthquakes". I did this because a 6.5 earthquake is 10,000x more powerful than a 2.5. So it is easier to count them and it seems one extra 5 or 6 is worth more than 1,000 2s. I also went back to 1980 because I have heard this Nibiru planet system has impacted the earth since 1989. I had to count the earthquakes, if I didn't have to count them by hand I would have done a much more comprehensive graph so this is simply an idea. Also please note we are only 75% through with 2021 so we are on pace to do around 150 significant earthquakes compared to 43.

1980 -- 43

2021 -- 109* (up through Sept 22)


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
This exposition makes a strong case that we are now in the year 5993.

Adam was created on the sixth day, the 7 day doctrine would not begin the count from Adam's birthday it would begin from the world's and according to Rabbinical teaching the world's birthday is Rosh Hashanah.

Another very strong case for the 7 year tribulation to begin October 8th of this year if the 6,000 years ends at the end of the tribulation.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Zechariah 12:5 Courage is contagious

5 And the chiefs of Judah shall say in their hearts, The inhabitants of Jerusalem are our strength in the Lord of hosts, their God.

This expression in Hebrew is odd, but it is similar to something that Steve Bannon says all the time “courage is contagious”.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Zechariah 12:7-10 Let's talk about Messiah, the one who came to save us but we had Him crucified.

7 And the Lord shall save and give victory to the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem may not be magnified and exalted above Judah. 8 In that day will the Lord guard and defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and he who is [spiritually] feeble and stumbles among them in that day [of persecution] shall become [strong and noble] like David; and the house of David [shall maintain its supremacy] like God, like the Angel of the Lord Who is before them. 9 And it shall be in that day that I will make it My aim to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.

Look at these terms, the tents of Judah will have the same glory as the house of David, the feeble will be mighty warriors just like David, the house of David will be like God. Remember the Lord’s word to Job, “do you have an arm like God or can you thunder with a voice like God?” For two thousand years the age of grace has been to transform God’s people so that we are like God, we are like David (Jesus). We might have been feeble when we first got saved but in this day we will be mighty. Think about Mike Lindell, a meth addict who is bringing down the entire deep state of the US.

10 And I will pour out upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace or unmerited favor and supplication. And they shall look [earnestly] upon Me Whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for Him as one who is in bitterness for his firstborn.

Can you imagine? They are like Saul of Tarsus “who are you Lord”. They know the Bible but they don’t know the Lord. They know of a redeemer, but that redemption is not a reality for them, it is only when they see the reality of the redeemed and transformed that they repent. What does it mean to repent, it means to seek grace and to seek the spirit of grace. It means they will look upon the one they were stabbing, the one who was burdensome and that they loathed and realize “its the Messiah!” Again, what did Jesus tell Saul “I am Jesus whom thou persecutest”. They thought they were being zealous for the Lord and then their eyes are opened to realize they were crucifying the Lord. For example, suppose someone hated Trump, railed against Trump because they thought he was colluding with Russia, or because they thought he was using his presidency to enrich his family, or because they thought his policies were inhumane or that he was going to get us all killed in a war. Then they get what they want, Joe Biden is elected and then they discover that Biden was the one who had colluded with Russia and China, it was his family that was being enriched by the CCP and Putin, that the human rights violations at the border became ten times worse with Biden and they didn’t even care enough to go visit the border, and that the minute Biden becomes president we are terrified of war and he fully arms our enemies. We surround Washington DC with troops, Taiwan is under threat from China, Ukraine is under threat from Russia, Iran is attacking Israel, and we are having massive cyber attacks in the US. It is one of those horror films that the very thing you are most terrified of is what happens because you attacked the only people trying to protect you.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
The 7 Day Doctrine

According to this God created the Earth and Man in six days, which to us is 6,000 years. At the end of the 6,000 years we enter the day of rest, the Millenial kingdom. With that in mind I'd like to look a little closer at this "sixth day".

Genesis 1:27 And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

First thing we should notice is that both Adam and Eve were created on this day. The next chapter drills down on this process. But we need to realize that chapter 2 of Genesis is focusing on the sixth day.

28 And God blessed them: and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

The second thing that sticks out to me is this term "replenish" the earth. It sounds like something God might say after the Great tribulation. It reminds me of a construction site where you see all this scaffolding and forms that are used to build the building and after they are done you take all that other stuff down. Or it reminds me of the birth of a baby where the placenta and all kinds of stuff used to support the baby while in the womb is then discarded and burned in the trash.

29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food: 30 and to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the heavens, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for food: and it was so. 31 And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

Finally I like this, our day begins with the sun going down (Jesus being crucified), about half way through the sun begins to rise with the protestant reformation and the printing of the Bible. Then we have the bright day at the time of the Welsh revival, JN Darby and the Brethren. But by the very end of this day the sun is again appearing to go down. Right now it feels like we are at sundown with a very long night about to begin.

Genesis 2:21 And Jehovah God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof: 22 and the rib, which Jehovah God had taken from the man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. 23 And the man said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Obviously this refers to the crucifixion of Jesus and how the church as His bride was built out of the blood and water that flowed from His side. But what struck me is this phrase where Adam says "this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh". That is the rapture. What is the Lord looking for? He is looking for a church on the earth that will behold and reflect Him, they are fully constituted from head to toe with Him. He went to the cross, they go to the cross. He put his full trust in God they put their full trust in God. He lived by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God and they live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. At the end of the age the issue is "are you fully focused on the Lord Jesus"? You cannot behold and reflect Him if you aren't.

24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. 25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

Hallelujah, this is about the rapture. We know that this is talking about Christ and the church, Paul told us this in Ephesians. The rapture is all about the ceremony by which the man leaves His father and mother and cleaves unto His wife.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020

It is a video that shows the entire sky bright red and not from a sunset.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2020
Zechariah 12:11-14 A more Biblical example

11 In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of [the city of] Hadadrimmon in the Valley of Megiddo [over beloved King Josiah]. 12 And the land shall mourn, every family apart: the [kingly] family of the house of David apart and their wives apart; the family of the house of Nathan [David’s son] apart and their wives apart; 13 The [priestly] family of the house of Levi apart and their wives apart; the family of Shimei [grandson of Levi] apart and their wives apart; 14 All the families that are left, each by itself, and their wives by themselves [each with an overwhelming individual sorrow over having blindly rejected their unrecognized Messiah].

I get it, everyone hates using Trump as an illustration, so let’s use a different one. When the Lord Jesus came the first time the Jews rejected Him and had Him crucified. He is a Jew, He is their firstborn, He is the savior of the world. How can you be Jewish and not really proud of that? Instead the leaders of the Jews have lied to them repeatedly to blind them of this fact because they are covering up their own sins. Now imagine we have the first rapture, the world goes crazy, you hear all kinds of stories from UFO’s to everything under the sun. However, no one can avoid the fact that this was the rapture, that the Christians have talked about this for 2,000 years, and now there are many Christians who are left behind and they are talking about it. Then there is a second rapture and those Christians are also taken. This would be like Joseph telling his brothers for the second time that it is he. At this point there would be a bitter mourning of the Jews because they crucified the Lord, the denied the Lord, they lied about Him, they refused at every opportunity to turn and repent and seek Him.