This is from Stan Johnson at Prophecy club
Maui Massacre:
By now we have all heard horror stories of the lack of government help, even wild stories of how the government may have been complicit in the deaths of over 1,000 people in the Lahaina, Maui fire! One man said on a posted video, “I saw the fire start! The wind blew over a power line and started the fire. We had the fire beat! We had it under control! Then they shut the water off and there was nothing we could do to stop it!!!!!!!”
They also turned the electricity off residents said that crippled further control efforts! They sent the school children home. Their parents were not at home. They turned the emergency sirens off. The parents, neighbors and children had NO warning the fire was coming! Many school children were found huddled together in homes awaiting help that was not coming! Those started rumors saying the fire was a “PLANNED” extermination of both property and people!
Then the calls started coming to property owners with offers to buy their property for pennies on the dollar! It gets still worse!
Then the skeptical ones began to investigate. We need someone to verify this with a fire official for confirmation. Seems to me that a human body typically cannot be totally consumed in a house or apartment fire. We see them carrying body bags out of burned buildings. Yet, in Maui the human remains were reduced to piles of ash! It doesn’t stop there.
It may take awhile for all those who will crawl around and find the truth to come out. Seems like we saw this with 911, and fires in California. The only part of a car not melted was the steel. Aluminum melts at around 1,200 degrees, and a wood fire burns at around 350 degrees. A woodfire CANNOT melt Aluminum! Many, but not all of the aluminum wheels were melted! Tires were burned WITHOUT the black soot ring remaining from unburned particles of combustion. I am not an expert, but I am looking forward to experts bringing us the whole story.
Leslie received this text from one of our friends who lives in Hawaii.
Thank you, Leslie! I just spent a couple hours with my sister Sheila. She had dinner last night with her friend. Her friend was told not to pass this information on. They’re afraid of backlash from the powers that shouldn’t be. It’s much worse than anybody is being told. Many of the deceased are children. School was closed that morning. Parents left the kids at home while they went to work. They found kids huddled together in the corner of their homes. They turned to ash when they were being removed. Parents are committing suicide. They can’t bear the trauma of it all. Losing everything.
By now we have all heard horror stories of the lack of government help, even wild stories of how the government may have been complicit in the deaths of over 1,000 people in the Lahaina, Maui fire! One man said on a posted video, “I saw the fire start! The wind blew over a power line and started the fire. We had the fire beat! We had it under control! Then they shut the water off and there was nothing we could do to stop it!!!!!!!”
They also turned the electricity off residents said that crippled further control efforts! They sent the school children home. Their parents were not at home. They turned the emergency sirens off. The parents, neighbors and children had NO warning the fire was coming! Many school children were found huddled together in homes awaiting help that was not coming! Those started rumors saying the fire was a “PLANNED” extermination of both property and people!
Then the calls started coming to property owners with offers to buy their property for pennies on the dollar! It gets still worse!
Then the skeptical ones began to investigate. We need someone to verify this with a fire official for confirmation. Seems to me that a human body typically cannot be totally consumed in a house or apartment fire. We see them carrying body bags out of burned buildings. Yet, in Maui the human remains were reduced to piles of ash! It doesn’t stop there.
It may take awhile for all those who will crawl around and find the truth to come out. Seems like we saw this with 911, and fires in California. The only part of a car not melted was the steel. Aluminum melts at around 1,200 degrees, and a wood fire burns at around 350 degrees. A woodfire CANNOT melt Aluminum! Many, but not all of the aluminum wheels were melted! Tires were burned WITHOUT the black soot ring remaining from unburned particles of combustion. I am not an expert, but I am looking forward to experts bringing us the whole story.
Leslie received this text from one of our friends who lives in Hawaii.
Thank you, Leslie! I just spent a couple hours with my sister Sheila. She had dinner last night with her friend. Her friend was told not to pass this information on. They’re afraid of backlash from the powers that shouldn’t be. It’s much worse than anybody is being told. Many of the deceased are children. School was closed that morning. Parents left the kids at home while they went to work. They found kids huddled together in the corner of their homes. They turned to ash when they were being removed. Parents are committing suicide. They can’t bear the trauma of it all. Losing everything.