This reminds me of Gabrielle Giffords. She was a very brite politian, until she got shot in the head. It is amazing that she even survived at all. But it dumbed her down drastically, to the mindframe of a little child. It's so sad, but it's not her fault, and she is still the same soul as she was before the head injury. When you marry someone it is for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health.
I myself was once really brite, but many head injuries and times where I lacked oxygen have effected my memory and mental sharpness. Not nearly as bad as your wife, matter fact most people can't even tell unless they spend time with me on a daily basis, then they see it. I can completely function on my own, drive a car, raise a daughter, study God's word. But it scares me, someday will my soul mate not accept me because I've been abused and it effected my brain?
I myself was once really brite, but many head injuries and times where I lacked oxygen have effected my memory and mental sharpness. Not nearly as bad as your wife, matter fact most people can't even tell unless they spend time with me on a daily basis, then they see it. I can completely function on my own, drive a car, raise a daughter, study God's word. But it scares me, someday will my soul mate not accept me because I've been abused and it effected my brain?