I don't think she has bipolar or any sort of personality disorder. I just think she behaves badly when she doesn't get her own way, at least at home. Her teacher tells me how cooperative she is at school. I'm glad for that. She was recently the lead in a play her class did, her teacher told me that she was surprised she wanted to do it because she's a little shy, but she said she got up there and did it with confidence. It was just in her class and I didn't see it but it doesn't surprise me that she did that because she can be pretty dramatic and likes to play act at home. I'm going to encourage her next year to try out for the school play, I think it might help her to have something like that to focus on and it's something we can work on together. I just signed her and her brother up for the school soccer program, I also think that will help her focus on other things. They both really wanted to do it, so I was excited about that. Both of my kids are sort of shy at school so I am glad when they want to participate in activities with other kids.
I appreciate your insight Angela, God Bless!
I appreciate your insight Angela, God Bless!
I dont have kids of my own but my sister has two boys.They are great kids but they are kids and know how to get on your last nerve sometimes. I think the hint,and you've said a couple times,is that she is a very good little girl at school.Which tells me something,you have a hard time saying no to her and she dang well knows it! She knows how to wear you down.Kids are very smart.My nephews kept talking about Skylanders one year and this past year the oldest wanted Minecraft for his birthday cake. My parents couldnt figure out what my sister was even saying.So I went on the hunt to find what it was.When I saw these tiny little plastic figures in a tiny little box for $10 I almost laid an egg from shock! But its all over tv and when they see it they want it.Commercials are very good at getting the point across.
My mother told me when she visited the boys last time they were arguing.They had just come from church and mom said "boys is that how you should be acting after just coming from church"? The youngest thought and said " Nan nan that is just Satan making us do that!" When she couldnt hide hid her laugh he said "well it is!" There is materialism every where today.Its so hard to avoid these cues. Here is something I saw once on tv which may work.It sounds very harsh but I know my sister had to do it once.The next time she throws a fit give her a warning she is not allowed to act that way.If she keeps it up go into her room and remove all toys.Yes its a lot of work.Remove them all!! Then tell her when she is a good girl she will get ONE toy back.If she has a tantrum she looses the toy. She has to understand she isn't entitled to anything. One of todays main issues with kids and adults alike,entitlement.She has to learn material things have to be earned.And since you cant send her out to work this is a way for her to learn. She gets no new toys at all.She must earn back what she has.And if she goes full tantrum toys start going into the trash,for good.She must understand the concept of earning with her behavior.If you think she is bad now wait till you have a teenager,there'll be no stopping her!! I would take everything out and stand by what I said.Another thing she needs to learn is your word is your word,you mean it,and your word is final.It worked for my sister,no more tantrums at the store.Kids know how to embarrass you to get their way.When you cave she sees she can win. Dont ever let a child think they can win by disobedience.Hope that helps and that she can learn that good behavior is rewarded,in small amounts,dont go buying out Toys R US when she does good either.Good luck!