We all make mistakes but..we don't all try to fix them. You should ask the Lord to give you guidence and to help you in this situation. I would tell them, it's over..can't continue on the wrong path. It's too many single people out here,and besides..you know it's wrong, all the way around, it's wrong! Don't be too hard on yourself, after all..we are all human. be thankful to know it's not the right thing to do, being with a married man!i am sure, he can say many things in your ear, to try to get you to keep it like it is, please don't listen to that..it's not right!Besides, even if he left his wife to be with you, whose to say..he doesn't have a habit of this? You don't want to settle for anyone who would live a life like that, not care anymore about a marriage than that.Break it off, tell a friend what's going on with you..they can help you out. If you decide to not tell anyone, then do it yourself, for yourself..and the wife.This is not the healthiest way to start a relationship, by being in a situation like this, it could even get you or him hurt, or worse! I hope you the very best outcome, please try to break it off ASAP, it would be so much better for you.don't allow this to happen again, only you can prevent these things. take the time to find out who someone is before going in deep with them, you just might run out of air! peace be with you and hope you find a quick solution to this issue!