I think sports are important in a way. My son was a star athelete in high school. Because of his major now in college, he can't play. The dinners and banquets are fun and our school gave awards at them. He was proud of all of that and they are hanging up in his dorm room now. I know from his experience that the important things he took away from it was being part of a team and the memories he made while playing. He had to choose between music and sports in college and he chose music. If she seems to be enjoying the experience, I would try to be okay with it. The main concern in high is if your child is happy, not under peer pressure, and not being bullied and all of the other negatives that our young people face during high school. The more happy and stable she is, the better she will be able to choose for herself when she goes to college. I know he started college Aug 15 and he is just now getting adjusted to life away from home. If she has good grades and is happy, I would probably try to overlook what I was not happy with. But pray about it. God won't steer you in the wrong direction..