Alcohol is a drug. Caffeine is a drug. Meth is a drug. Marijuana is a drug.
What's the difference between them all? The legality!
i would agree with all, save meth. i cannot condone or imagine any circumstance where meth is an acceptable choice for any circumstance. meth is poison, no less lethal than any deadly weapon.
on the other hand, the rest of that list do have medicinal value, and some have value in moderation. the truth is, all of those cause problems when used regularly and/or excess.
my greatest concern is for those who consume caffeine regularly and view it as innocuous. i was one of those people for a long time, but no longer do i consume it like i used to. i do drink green tea in moderation, and occasionally drink black tea.
the truth is there are lots of plant based chemicals that work in similar fashion as caffeine, i.e. what is often referred to as "mateine" (and appears to have both similar and different effects than the conventional caffeine) in yerba mate, and theobromine and theophylline in naturally found in chocolate. i don't believe modest amounts of NATURALLY occurring caffeine on a semi-regular basis is a problem for most, but one must realize that regular consumption CAN have real health risks.
what i find to be possibly the greatest health risk most commonly found is dehydration. i'm sure the average person thinks they are sufficiently hydrated, but multiple studies show that only 1 in 5 get adequate hydration. caffeine and alcohol are dehydrating on their own, and so when someone is consuming them they actually deplete the body of water, rather than supply it. our body requires about 1/2 oz of fluid for every lb. of body weight and even more when perspiring or in arid or hot environments. when drinking caffeine or alcohol, you need to supplement extra water as well. the list of symptoms arising from mild to severe dehydration present as many illnesses and maladies from headaches, hypertension (high blood pressure) arthritis and angina to name only a few.
when i drank coffee and tea often throughout the day, i had knee and back pain that i was told by doctors was due to injury and would only respond to medication or surgery. i have always struggled with drinking water so i was quite surprised to discover just how much better i began to feel when i was getting the water i needed. no doctor or health expert ever told me that i was dehydrated or even commented on water consumption before, so i never considered the significant health benefits of being well hydrated. i guess it makes only good sense, considering our bodies are over 70% water, and specifically our brains our over 90% water, and all body functions occur in what should be described as a marine environment.
based upon our society's emphasis on caffeinated beverages, sugary and diet sodas and other non-nutritive beverages i personally this is a health crisis that few are aware.
if you want to learn more about the symptoms/diseases that arise from dehydration i would encourage you to do so. there is a lot of great stuff available online, much from dr. f batmanghelidj (also referred to as dr. batman) and is often called "the water cure". i continue to be completely shocked by all the illness, maladies and other conditions that has been shown to go away simply by drinking enough water.