Personally, I think kids and most adults do not understand what bullying is. For instance, when kids are little, how many times are they told to not be a tattletale, or to figure it out, or not argue, etc. I believe, this goes against not only what God wants us to do, but I think this contributes greatly to kids not telling, and kids trying to figure it out, and kids fighting for a reason neither one really knows.
If we all taught our kids and ourselves that we should first give it to God, next talk with safe people, who can help us figure out what would help ALL the people involved. While taking action, remembering that we are all loved equally by the same father and remembering to love their brothers and sisters. The bully or the bullied are equal and are equal in needing help. Changing the tone and the perpective on any situation, will change the situation. A Label of bad and good or predator and prey is not going to help any who is involved. We are all sinners and we all have things to learn.
I teach my children at every available window and we walk through the doors together. I also role play to boost their confidence and explain why something is nice or hurtful while role playing. I explain the tone of their voice, the words they choose, and their body language, all together contribute to others feelings. We will take turns being the other child and my child. So far, it works for us; I have been told by every teacher that I raise the most well- rounded kids. At the end of the year all the teachers give awards to each kid for something they did great at all year; my kids have gotten every year, the problem solver and most fair. I am glad that they receive these awards, because it makes them empowered to keep truckin'.