we are people, we fail. Thanks be for Jesus who covers our failings. We must be ourselves, not a phoney imitation of what we think a Christian should be. Once we are filled with the Holy spirit the Holy spirit convicts us in areas where we fail and sometimes he uses our more legalistic Christian brothers and sisters to point us to God will in his word. Sometimes they use methods that may cut us to the quick but we also need to realize that theres something there in the response. When we feel that deep deep offense we need to look at the others Christian perspective and see... do we require growth there... are we relying solely on our interpretation of the word while ignoring the spiritual connection with the Lord... or vice versa, are we connecting with the Lord in the spirit only and not paying proper attenion to Gods will through his word. everyone needs balance. we are all important parts of the body of Christ, both those who are abrasive and offensive and those who are mild and Loving... The Lord puts each person in our path for a reason, its just a case of do we want to receive instruction in the Lord and pray for discernment or do we want to be right fighters and dig our heels in to fight for the right to be right. Anyway I appreciate those who i've reacted the strongest to as much as those who are like minded, because those who caused strong reaction, truly, were areas where a need for growth was exposed. Anyway MCAP I welcomed you in another thread & just pray for you not to be discouraged by anything on here. I love the jason upton worship song... they will know we are christian by our love. The Holy spirit gives us the capacity to love even those who hurt us the most! Praise the Lord!