I have never suffered from depression but know quite a few people who have. Depression is a heavy weight as well as anger turned within. This is what causes the heavy weight on a person. It seems if we can identify the cause of the anger it can be lifted. We also know that anger is first mentioned in the Bible in the Garden as a result of the fall of mankind. They wanted to be like God knowing good and evil (only God can judge). So, they bought the lie and they were aware of sin, missing the mark of what God wanted, and were aware of their disobedience which caused shame, self-condemnation, then hiding from the Lord. They were afraid and felt guilty and fearful and angry they got caught and tried to blame the other (Gen. 2:12). Since Christ came and took the wrath and our sin on Himself and declared it Finished!, we don't have to be angry anymore. When a person has received Christ in their hearts, they become new people and God declares them righteous and blameless. So, my suggestion is to receive Christ, if you haven't already, then read Romans 8 and believe His word," there is now no condemnation in Christ". Rest in His finished work on the cross for us and peace will flow through your life removing all anger. AmmaBev