Where dinosaurs on Noahs ark? If so when where they really extinct, Did the book of Job describe dinosaurs?
Yes, the Leviathan and the Behemoth.
Prior to the flood, the age of everything (plants, animals, and humans) were increased dramatically. humans lived up to 1,000 years old. and we have today fossils of two foot grasshoppers, and 50 foot cattails. all prior to the flood.
Alligators and Iguana's continue to grow until they die. Today an Alligator can be 15 feet long and die after 35 years. An Iguana can be 6 feet long and die in 20 years. That is how big they get today (after the flood), but an alligator living prior to the flood that could live up to 1,000 years could get 427 feet long. An Iguana living prior to the flood living for a 1,000 years could get up to 300 feet long. If you seen an Iguana that is 300 feet long, i assure you, you would be yelling you seen a dinosaur.
Dinosaurs were on the Ark, of coarse not the full grown ones, and the small Dinosaurs there were on the ark, did not have a chance to get as big as they could have been because they were not allowed to live as long after the flood, they died fairly small and fairly young. As i said above, if an alligator that we have today were allowed to live a thousand years it would be 427 feet long, and would eat humans for food.
Oh, and i see the topic has gotten a little off track with the fall of satan, please read my article on what happened to Lucifer and why he was kicked out of Heaven, and when he was kicked out of Heaven, by clicking