I didn't read pages 2-4, but I'd like to clear something up from then first pages-
The science is WRONG. To the original person, who said "This dinosaur is Xmillion years old, and we know because we found it in rock that old. We know the rock is that old because we found the dinosaur there," is actually pretty close.
First of all, ALL ROCK was made at the same time, whether through creation or big bang. Different rocks won't radiodate differently JUST because it happens to be lower down. There is no basis for that. (I don't' say radiocarbon, as carbon-14 is only found in LIVING matter). Also, radiocarbon dating is faulty to begin with.
In radiocarbon dating, there are many variables. These are the age of the item, the starting amount of carbon-14, the current amount of carbon-14, and the half life of carbon-14 (and I guess you can include the number of halflives undergone). We can accurately measure two of these variables- The current amount and the half life of carbon-14. However, the # of halflives/starting amount of carbon 14 can only be obtained if you know what the other is.
Scientists assume that the ratio of carbon-14 in the atmosphere has remained steady for MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of years and has not changed at all. They think that carbon-14 amount is the same as it was forever ago. This is obviously false, and if the amount of C-14 6 thousands years ago was significantly lower than it is today, then you can VERY easily get a reading that is hundreds of millions of years off. When dealing with micro-traces of particles like this, the difference of just half a gram can dramatically throw off your answer, as the equation is exponential.
Also, through blind testing, we find the dating process to be unreliable anyway. One piece of volcanic rock that we KNOW for SURE was 3,000 years old was given to three scientists to be dated, and the result was anywhere from 500,000 to 2 million years. That's just a tad off, don't you think?
I believe the earth was made in 6 days, and evolution is definitely lacking in explaining the building of life, not even to mention the beginnings of life. I can't find any real information that proves otherwise =(