It puzzles and hurts me a bit how people claim to have Christ in them, but yet claim to know what I want. If i wanted to leave him, i could've LIKE MAYBE 2 YEARS AGO AFTER i caught him with his pants down, drunk, with the neighbor girl in OUR BASEMENT. So, I am so sorry, that after 10 years of him drinking and treating me & our children like dirt and then doing the ultimate - screwing around on me.......that I am asking for help. I don't need a biblical excuse for leaving him, I know that even if i left him, the Lord would forgive me. I am simply saying that my husband treats me like dirt. I cry to him about things, and he treats me like dirt while I am crying. Do you want to know what it feels like to be saved? It feels like I woke up and I looked around me, at this man I married......and all i say in my head is "oh no, what have i done?" Do you know how being unsaved affects every part of your life? So not only does he have no responsibility to bring his children up in God, he also is a complete slob, and he sees no issues except what everyone else is doing. So, if one of us leaves a plate in the sink, he can, too..... because the way he looks at it is that he doesn't have to try to do anything, becuase no one else does. But you know who ends up cleaning a overloading sink full of dishes? me. and trust me, i am not even talking about dirty dishes, because this "idea" has to do with EVERYTHING and every aspect in his life. it's this attitude i can not take. I am completely exhausted in dealing with his sinful ways and although yes, you are correct, i need to respect him and all that jazz, I ANSWER TO GOD before my husband, and i am TO PLEASE GOD before my husband. So, you see, i won't stand around and keep my mouth shut when he's playing his violent video games in front of our young kids, because my God doesn't want that corruption in his life, or my children's lives. Some of you just don't get it, I only wish for you to not judge, but if you have no advice for me, than to pass the post right up. I thank those who have given me serious and goodhearted responses, they have helped me a bit to put things back into perspective. I am seriously thankful.
mishlf, I hope you did not misunderstand what I spoke to, Im not trying to judge you, only witness to what I had to come to understand in Jesus.
Reading your additional information does speak to an oppressive spirit at work in your home.
Your husband is very open to this because of his unbelief.
If you can find a time where no one else is at home, take and bless your home with holy oil, banishing all evil from your home, if you have another christian who can do this with you, it would be helpful.
I did this , blessing every opening, window, door (even the air vents) commanding in Jesus Christ is Lord Come in the flesh for all evil spirits to leave and never return or bother any of my family again.
Then call all that is the presance of the Holy Spirit to cover and fill your home in Jesus Christ is Lord come in the flesh.
I was astonished and thankful, praising God for the results.
You may have to repeat this a few times untill your husband is a believer.
I used to think this kind of thing was not that nessasary, I have trully changed my thinking on this.
This will help remove the influences on your family and husband.
Now, understand I spoke in witness as I did before, not to judge you or your actions, but because it is our actions that keep all that is the Glory of God in Jesus in every place in heart, body and home.
What we are called to in obedience is more about God's glory, presance and power in our lives, not about condmnation and judgement.
For everything we can give to Jesus, brings all that is His power and presance to what we give.

I cannot say if your huband will change, Ive seen these battles in marraiges, some are healed, some the spouce only gets worce, simply because that spouce chooses to embrace flesh, rather than Jesus.
My sister's husband only got worce, and finally she had to divorce him, because of the increacingly terrible actions and attacks and evil in them.
Your husband is blessed to have you and your commitment to him in Jesus.
Please keep in mind, your children are also blessed by your faith in Jesus, bringing protection to them, in spite of your husbands actions.
Ive seen this blessing in my own children, my sisters children, and in my own life and brothers and sisters, despite the abuse and actions of our father.
Know that God is protecting your children and give them to Jesus, trusting in this care.
I hope that this has helped in some ways, for it is in Jesus we find all we need and the understanding of what we are asked to do.
You, your husband and your children are in my daily prayers in Jesus, that all that is His protection, grace and love will be with all of you constantly.
I pray also that Jesus gives you the comfort needed, for these burdens are hard to live.
Jesus is with you in this, you are never alone, for He is at your right side.
Hugs and God bless