Hello I'm Michelle

... I'd like to share my story with you, to shed a little light on what people like you do for kids in such situations and give you a little hope on what can happen to them because if it...,
I was three when I was taken from my home by DHS... I was placed into foster care where my cries of abuse were never heard. I was locked outside during storms for hours, had my arm twisted and broken by an angry foster parent, locked in dark rooms for hours, molested, yanked out of baths by my hair, thrown on the floor afterwards and beaten with a wire hair brush while naked , all for saying my arm hurt". Held down in a garage with my arms held out, and my legs crossed in a crucifixion style manner while my abusers smothered me and laughed... i only share this story to tell you , no matter what man does... it is nothing above or beyond what God can fix... I am also here to tell you Tjat trials are brought to us as a testing of our own hearts too, not just for the person engaged deeply in it... for the one engaged and going through it , god is going through a series of events that will bring the individual to cry out to Him... for the person who has already excepted Christ as lord and savior, it is a testing of their hearts ... Looking out from the trial to see what is in our hearts... Asking a series of questions like
do you see me?
Are you going to hand this trial to me to see what I can do or are you going to claim this for yourself and try to handle it yourself?
He wants the first of everything.
do you believe you're in control here or that I am?
Do you trust me?
do you believe I am bigger than this trial or the trial is bigger than me?
I want to see what's in your heart and this is what I'm going to being you to to do it...
are you going to pray or are you going to intercede amd take charge?
I share this with you because my life went through a series of dead ends not knowing the truth ... to change course as a young woman was for someone to share with me Gods truths.. In all my brokeness... when I came to know Gods love personally from Him alone, it superceedes all the rescues made by man... all of it orchestrated by God to bring me to the exact point where my relationship is with Him today... God has a spot only He can fill, no amount of love, no amount of saving, no amount of rescuing by man could quench The thirst my soul had for God... the unveiling process is Gods glory and he won't let anyone else have it

Many tried to get it by helping me , but in everything and with everyone who intervened , God still reserved the glory for Himself... it's the
Ones who pointed me to God I remember and recall the most..what needed to be fixed was between God and me... And I am also here to say He is the only one who truly did it... you are a lamp post for this young man god has brought to took me hearing from someone " for faith comes by hearing ". that the reason I had so many trials in this world is because I'm not from this world , I am from God" so did Jesus. as well as hearing " we all have one heavenly father and for those fathers who do not know their heavenly father and how he loves them they can not show us love". Isaiah 61 had a huge impact on me... Because when I was locked out in those thunderstorms there was a single tree that was in the field that lit up everytime lightening lit up the sky... I found out later it was a huge oak tree... " they will be called the righteous oaks, a planting of the lords splendor " the second I read that a new memory replaced a bad one in my soul... God can only do that... Also " he bestows in them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning". God rebuilds, restores and renews every broken thing in us... he takes the ashes and raises a miracle up from out of it... just like he did with Jesus . I want to encourage you on building his relationship up in Christ as you are doing ...of you will, imagine a clear drain pipe with a clog in it... The clog is symbolic of things not of God poured in... If ungodly things are poured in ungodly things will eventually get stuck in us... But the minute godly things are poured in, god begins working like draino... like draino it takes time for the clog to loosen, because God is gentle, never pushy... The world does that... His gentleness eventually wedges out what is stuck in us... This is the power God has... Do not be surprised not to see anything at first.. Everything is in Gods timing not ours... After a while you will see cloggy stuff come out, this is actually Good, it means the clog is loosening it's grip
On tue individual and coming out... Then after that there is a mixture of some good things ( attitude, words, identity, etc) and some cloggy things.. This is not a mental disorder as man likes to call bipolar, but a spiritual working of God... It's a mixture of believing and not believing" in time you will see the more God is poured in the more restful, peaceful, less anxious, less angry people become....
I struggled with many emotions
Anger being the worst. Fear anxiety depression, loneliness and even thoughts of suicide in high school... I'm am happy to announce today I am free from all of that addict of no kind and the most peaceful and happy I've ever been in my life...
i learned the truth about all of those emotions and why God put all those emotions in all of us...
Our emotions were built in is like an alarm system and temperature gauge in all of us...
I learned That my anger was an alarm continuing to go off to get my attention from God...
when I buy a lie or am buying into a lie Tjat I do not have to release Gods forgiveness or mercy this alarm goes off... I have forgotten all I have been forgiven and the mercy God has shown me through is grace and love...
Anger reminds me I am buying the lie I do not have to release it ... When I don't it becomes worse and worse
Loneliness- another alarm That goes off when I buying into a lie that someone or something can love me more than God can...
When I am lonely wich is now hardly ever , loneliness reminds me to spend more time in Gods word and to come to know his love for me more intimately..
Stress and anxiety- an alarm signaling me I have forgotten to ask for gods help, guidance, direction before diving into something.. I rinsed to ask myself,, did God bring This to me or did I go run after it...
Fear- a loud alarm signaling me I buying into a lie that someone or something is in more control than God is...
I am reminded quickly Tjat nothing is to big for God, even if it is to big for me...
there is also a process called REED
Recognize -what is happening when emotions occur
Express - those emotions to God in their very raw format , anything goes, God can handle it ,( He wants us to hand our emotions to Him first) people generally can't handle them...
Evaluate - am I going to react or take my time to release this to God and then respond
Decide- Am I going to do this Gods way or my way...
you are a blessing that has come into this young mans life god has handed him to you so that He may come to know Christ better and strengthen His relationship with Him... You are as a lamppost to Him as Christ is our lamp post pointing the way to God... May He fill your lamp with oil so that it burns so brightly this young man can run home to His heavenly father... As we all are being called... our belief systems are very corrupted , God takes those corruptions and straightens us out.. A branch can not live separated from the vine... God is the vine , we are the branch... may the testing of this trial bring you closer to Christ as well ... Gods peace be with you. For he is in the valley bringing you both through
